

New member
You may have seen my thread announcing NETS going international. Well, its beggining. I have just set up anothr website, and will edit it adequately when i can. Currently NETS is still the home for content by the NETS (or now Internats) team ( I will edit NETS soon and so the change is almost complete. If anyone wants to join from other countries or anything give me a holler.
Has anyone visited NETS?

I know this isnt a normal question, but i have no statistics at googlepages and am wondering how much traffic NETS doesnt get (im sure i dont get to much at all). So, has anyone visited (or
I don't... Its too hard to navigate. It would be better with some graphics of what were were going to download.. etc. Google pages isn't the way to go, bud. :hehe:
I don't... Its too hard to navigate. It would be better with some graphics of what were were going to download.. etc. Google pages isn't the way to go, bud. :hehe:
laugh at me will ya? lol. Im making Internats so im using some other place. Its just a matter of figuring out
Internats going live at 4:30

I know your all getting really tired of my conntinual release of websites, but im launching at 4:45 today (time zone for Massachusetts USA). I'm still finishing the forums, and am going to add downloads now. Hope you come!
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thanks, If i cant get a better host that works for me, than ill use the next best thing and make it seem like the better host.
Time warp to the future of internats

Just whipped up a "demo" site for Internats! Its not to funtional yet, but lemme just finish reading up on dreamweaver and ill have a new awsomer one in a few weeks! So click here for a peek into the future, and still go to our google pages for our actual info. Enjoy!:D
Websites for the community

Now that i have Adobe Dreamweaver and Photoshop i was playing around with the idea of making and if neccesary posting websites for the community. Free. Frst I need to A learn more dreamweaver, and B finish "weaving" the new Internats. Any thoughts?

By the way i would put a small ad (smaller than 90x30 id think) linking to either my site for this, or internats, or both.

Well what i was thinking is basically the idea of making websites and uploading them to the web for anyone who wants one. Like if you saw the first Internats "Demo" it was made in Dreamweaver (the top of the line web creator by Adobe). That better i hope?:)