Interlocking "external object" conditions not working


New member
I'm trying to throw together a simple test interlocking to protect a diamond crossing, with a simple set of four signals (one in each direction on each line), and a connection in one corner of the crossing. I've set the paths up from one signal to the rear of the opposing signal for all routes, and added the signals on the opposing line as "Objects Outside Path/External Objects" that must be showing "stop" (e.g. for the East-West route, the North-South signals must be at stop).

However, on testing this simple setup in Quick Drive, I get the quoted error when any of the crossing routes are attempted to be set (either automatically, or by selecting the route when multiple are available). No error occurs when the "External Object" conditions are removed.

Is this a known bug, related to either Interlockings overall, certain signal objects, or Quick Drive interacting with interlockings?

Interface : InterlockingTowerPath.SetObjectStateForActivation> Object not found, cannot activate (file

function $void@Interface::Exception(string), line -1
function $bool@InterlockingTowerPath::SetObjectStateForActivation(InterlockingObject), line 938
function $void@InterlockingTowerPath::AttemptPathActivation(), line 1019
function $void@InterlockingTowerPath::ActivatePath(SecurityToken), line 1082
function $void@InterlockingTower::AssignPathToTrain(Train,string), line 753
function $bool@InterlockingTowerManager::PerformInterlockingTowerAIPathSelection(InterlockingTower,Train,Signal,string[]), line 176
function $bool@InterlockingTowerManager::QueryInterlockingTowerPath(InterlockingTower,Train,Signal,string[]), line 343
function $string@InterlockingTowerManager::LibraryCall(string,string[],GSObject[]), line 364
function $void@InterlockingTower::QueryAutomaticPathAssignment(Train,InterlockingTrainPath), line 1037
function $void@InterlockingTower::OnTrainApproach(Message), line 1104
After a bit more playing, I've managed to get a setup that happily worked, but on modifying some signals, it started giving errors again!

I can at least say that the Interlocking Tower setup screen doesn't show any yellow/red errors due to missing/deleted objects - it's able to find all the references objects in Surveyor.