Instalation problems


New member
I recently bought trainz 12 that included extra addon packs. They are all .exe files but they dont dl into the game. They say there dl into trainz 12 but there is nothing there. what the hell am I doing wrong:)
Welcome to the forums.

Before I can advise you fully, can I get you to register your TS12? To do this, click MyTrainz above, then Serial Number, then fill in the form.

thats already been done days ago and it appears on my end

You should have only 1 setup.exe followed by multiple .bin files which are the various chunks of the program installer for the base program its self. All other .exes are something else because your TS12 should install the add-ons via its internal download manager.

Regarding your registration.

Ensure that your username and password in MyTrainz is the same one you are using here, otherwise, TS12 will not show on your route line.

If you have problems registering, and or have used two usernames, contact the helpdesk via the link above.

You should have only 1 setup.exe followed by multiple .bin files which are the various chunks of the program installer for the base program its self. All other .exes are something else because your TS12 should install the add-ons via its internal download manager.

Regarding your registration.

Ensure that your username and password in MyTrainz is the same one you are using here, otherwise, TS12 will not show on your route line.

If you have problems registering, and or have used two usernames, contact the helpdesk via the link above.


none of the methods for registration of user id appear in my trainz folder
I think you may be misunderstanding. The MyTrainz link is at the top of the forums page.


Hi shane
Thank you for your patience.
1. I am running win 8.1
2. Trainz or auran do not appear on the start window
3. Nowhere in the nv3 trainz folder is there register id or kuid .exe
4. the only place where anything to do with trainz is where it was installed c;\\program files(86) nvw games etc
5. I am using "my trainz ath the top of the forum folder where it shows my user id***137.
At installation of the program it wanted to put files in start auran\2010 wihich id dont have and there is no such folder.
The game itself seems to run fine on the included routes.
I may be 70 yrs old but I have worked with computers for thet last 25 yrs
From memory, the registerkuid.exe program only existed with TRS2004 and possibly earlier versions.

To actually register your serial number, you will need to do as I advised above, as the Serial Number option is on the MyTrainz page linked to above.

When actually installing the program, it is normal for the folder not to exist.

You will need to contact Helpdesk in that case, as nothing is showing next to your name.

Once that is done, I can advise on other possibilities.
