I am leaving right now....


New member
Hello to everyones!

I should have saying to everyones that I am have leaving of here Trainz Discussion because I have reason that I have lot biggest busy senior meeting, do my home too and other stuffs so I just have decide that I should have to leaving of here.... But be proabaly that I never visit site Trainz Discussion often because I don't have no time in years.... So it hope to lucky make your routes done and locomotives! And we hope that someone would have new project build of locomotives EMD SD50 and SD60 Norfolk Southern (Whoooo!);)

So I should saying to everyone, goodbye to everyones! I love all peoples in a worlds:) :wave:!

GoodByeand Have a Good Day:wave: !

Happy rails to you, until we meet again.
Happy rails to you, keep smilin' until then.
Who cares about KRS when we're together?
Just drive a train and bring the sunny weather.
Happy rails to you, 'till we meet again.​

Some rails are happy ones,
Others are blue.
It's the way you ride the rails that counts,
Here's a happy one for you.​

Happy rails to you, until we meet again.
Happy rails to you, keep smilin' until then.
Who cares about CMP when we're together?
Just drive a train and bring the sunny weather.​

Happy rails to you, 'till we meet again.​

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Gosh...that was touching...

8) Yes David, thanks for your very active participation!

You'll certainly be missed!

Congrats on your new family!

God Bless You!

Allen '08
Farewell David :)
It's was a pleasure chatting with you (when we crossed paths in various threads, which wasn't often enough :( ). Please remember to drop in from time to time to say hello, and keep us 'updated' with your 'Mini David' :P .

Well done, and good luck. :)
I guess you'll need it (Dunno, not a father, just the son :P ).

Cya mate, and take care :)
Congrats on the upcoming baby, those little one's sure change your life. Heck I might be dead or in jail if I wasn't blessed with my two girls.:hehe:

Best Regards,

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Hi David !

Congratulation to you and your 'better half' on being 'soon to come' parents !:clap:

I do hope you drop in here from time to time, and say hello. I will not say goodbye, because it sounds so final. Instead i will say : Until we meet again !

Take care of you and your new family, my friend. :wave:

Kind regards, Al.
Such a great shame to see you go David, you have been an inspiration on these forums with your screenshots and quotes. NS will never be the same without you, and what about your layout, will that never get onto the DLS now....:'(

All the very best to you and your future family....

Cheerz. ex-railwayman. :wave:
I am come back again! Were everything is fine!

I'm is back again! And aww thank everyone for comment here:):wave:! So I will do work on my route again need get to finish them....:)
ROFL!!!!!! :hehe: :hehe: :hehe: :hehe:

Wow! nutter, 12 days. That's quite a record!

Welcome back anyway.
Best wishes,