wondering about others experiences trying Maris Pass X 4.5 in TRS19
I installed Marias Pass X 4.5 in TRS19 the other day and had the same experience in install success as normhart with only the one yarnish error.
Incredible ease of installation for content made for TS12/TS2 Mac! Thank you again josefpav and lotharhake for the wonderful route, locomotives and sessions!
Since installing, I have experienced a few oddities with the route and its assets while exploring and experimenting with Marias Pass X 4.5 and the sessions (so far just both passenger sessions and the base session).
Issues with HP Trainz locomotives: having tested Josefpav's F40PH Amtrak and BN GP38-2 for a few hours, so far in my experience the locomotives have issues operating normally at times, though not all the time.
These locomotives have among the best and most detailed cabs in Trainz (at least for US diesel locomotives) but at the moment there seem to be certain times/events in Trainz driving -- possibly due to track location (i.e. near an industry, signal or junction) -- where these locomotives will not run in either DCC or Cab mode: trying to adjust controls for either DCC or Cab mode in these situations results in the controls being reset (i.e. the control functions in both DCC and Cab mode resist being moved and reset to 0 on DCC and train brake employed, reverser to neutral and throttle at 0 in Cab mode). These locomotives can be run using the Drive command; it is possible to get these locomotives running using Drive command and then switch to DCC or Cab mode and then these locomotives run fine.
Please note that other than under certain circumstances -- again possibly due to track location (i.e. near an industry, signal or junction) -- these locomotives work perfectly fine/normally (as they did in TS2 Mac). Also please note I am basing my observations of the issues I have experienced with these locomotives on running the passenger sessions or the base session; the session or sessions may be part of or the source of the problems encountered with these locomotives.
<kuid2:46162:100008:3> Amtrak F40PH blue stripes HP
<kuid2:46162:50404:3> Amtrak F40PH 398
<kuid2:46162:1038210:10> BN GP38-2 09
I have not tested these locomotives outside of the base session built for Marias Pass X 4.5; my comments here only relate to tests performed in the base session. Additionally for what it is worth, with a little coaxing and very infrequent use of Drive command I was able to complete the passenger session from Whitefish to Shelby, although I am uncertain if there were any changes in the AI train traffic on the line as it has been several years since the last time I completed this session in TS2 Mac (perhaps I made up too much of the lost time in Whitefish with the refueling and sand load up). Still very cool and always fun!
Using surveyor in TRS19, when I try to edit/make my own session from the base session HP Trainz has included, TRS19 requires me to copy the route and base session: I am not permitted to modify the base session alone and must make a clone of route and base session. That was not the case in TS2 Mac where no route duplication was required if the base session was modified (if I recall the base session needed to be cloned if editing were performed but never the whole route as well).
I noticed that following my cloning of the route and session that one asset is always missing, somehow forced out as it were; the asset is one of the ET baum assets that became an Elm Tree and then a built in Elm Tree so that likely has something to do with this booted asset from surveyor based duplication of Marias Pass X 4.5 in TRS19.
I have not attempted to create my own session from the route without the base session.
I also noticed that in the route while using the base session (or the passenger sessions) that a least one segment of track around Essex was broken; track near the fuel and sand loading points/industry assets was broken.
I will point out that that was the only part or piece of track I found broken on a very large route not made for TRS19. Incredible considering the sheer amount of track, all the junctions and signals. A testament to solid engineering, excellent route building and a very well made product by HP Trainz!
Lastly, for what it is worth, I installed Marias Pass X 4.5 into TRS19 from the original/backup .cdps from HP Trainz; being practical about it I did not attempt using imported .cdps from TS2 Mac (never crossed my mind until right now); I tried to check some settings in TS2 Mac as I am typing here but TS2 Trainz/CM just decided to perform an EDBR even though I haven't installed anything new in TS2 Mac for many years (maybe TS2 Mac is getting testy about some of the other non HP Trainz content I have been exporting to .cdp for transfer to TRS19?).
Thank you for reading this post and thank you very much in advance for any observations, insights or thoughts you all may have!
Please note: I am not asking for HP Trainz, josefpav or lotharhake to update or fix anything; I am trying to determine what the issues
may be with locomotive assets and route/session components from Marias Pass X 4.5 that work perfectly in TS12/TS2 Mac and yet have some problems working properly in TRS19, at least in my few hours of testing the HP Trainz content in TRS19.
I am trying to get myself

and my TRS19 install into shape for proper Trainzing and beta testing and building sessions. I have attempted to provide a lot of detail here for the purpose of trying to explain what I have experienced and in hopes of getting detailed feedback and replies (if others have the interest and time to do so).