How to have moving road vehicles in TRS2022 Surveyor instead of static


Active member
Title says it all.

Is there a setting somewhere I'm not seeing, or is this a feature and/or bug?

Going back to TRS2006, I'm used to seeing vehicles move in surveyor and I think it's useful to spot road spline attachment errors.
Surveyor is paused by default

Is there a way to un-pause in Surveyor 2.0?.

If not, I will put this on the bug-report and maybe N3V will agree that there was no intent for this to be the case. It's hard for me to understand that this was intentional on the part of N3V.
To un-pause Surveyor 2.0 is the same as un-pausing Surveyor 1.0. Click on the Wrench (tools) icon on the menu bar at the very top. Click on Pause and that will un-pause.

The pause feature as a request by us beta testers when we were testing the new UDS. We found it a bit on the unnerving as we attempted to untangle AI drivers while they were still running about. With everything paused, it's now easy to go in and perform surgery as required and then return back to Driver and let them run again. In the process of adding this pause in UDS, Surveyor itself is paused in the beginning.

Just an FYI. If you have populated portals, they will start spitting out AI consists, while you are working in Surveyor with everything un-paused.
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To un-pause Surveyor 2.0 is the same as un-pausing Surveyor 1.0. Click on the Wrench (tools) icon on the menu bar at the very top. Click on Pause and that will un-pause.

Thanks John - I did miss that on the tools menu. I had no experience with this in Surveyor 1.0 because the default was "not paused" and I never even knew I had a choice.