I have been able to successfully export a good sized irregular shaped GeoRef. raster map with DEM to T:ANE as a route. The USGS topo map and DEM elevations show well on the baseboards.
No matter what I do however I still end up with a huge number of "waste" baseboards that will need to be deleted one at a time. The waste baseboards appear to be the black margin areas shown for the map in TransDEM. I have trimmed the DEM so only that which overlays the raster maps shows in the TrasnDEM display with everything else black.
I have tried using a rectangular mask but still end up with a huge number of the waste baseboards. Is there any way to get TransDEM to not export those waste baseboards in the first place or am I doomed to having to manually delete many hundreds of them one at a time?
FYI I am using TransDEM Trainz Edition (64 bit) Version
The raster map came from using the "USA Topo" provider in the map tile server. Tile type was the "1:24K Raster"
No matter what I do however I still end up with a huge number of "waste" baseboards that will need to be deleted one at a time. The waste baseboards appear to be the black margin areas shown for the map in TransDEM. I have trimmed the DEM so only that which overlays the raster maps shows in the TrasnDEM display with everything else black.
I have tried using a rectangular mask but still end up with a huge number of the waste baseboards. Is there any way to get TransDEM to not export those waste baseboards in the first place or am I doomed to having to manually delete many hundreds of them one at a time?
FYI I am using TransDEM Trainz Edition (64 bit) Version
The raster map came from using the "USA Topo" provider in the map tile server. Tile type was the "1:24K Raster"