How to deactivate CMP on DL Cart


might be back?
Please help. Im trying to download items from my cart to my TRS04. unfourtunatly i decided to try once again to uninstall my corrupt 06 (and failed again. sigh oh well i guess it will just take up space and never work again). Unfoutunatly when i did this it decided to switch back to using the unusable(for me. its corrupt) CMP rather than the better(in my opinion) downloader and content managment program for 04. How do i switch it back to the program that works.

You have to get windows to switch the register pointers to TRS2004. To do this double click the file ..\Program Files\Auran\TRS2004\Bin\TrainzHelper.exe and make sure that the Trainz Product and Path windows point to your TRS2004 location. Then save it. This register setting for TRS2004 will hold until the next time that you start TRS2006 when it will switch back to TRS2006. Many people make a shortcut icon on their desktop to make switching back to TRS2004 easier.
