How many Box cars can you jump !


#1-on members ignore list
Seeing the popularity with some on how fast one can go, how severe a crash one can create, I would like to set up a new contest, how far can one jump ?
Take a Sd45, line up 40 foot box cars end to end, and report your record on how many you can clear ?
This should keep the youngsters and our Mods busy for awhile.
Whatever happened to Trainz as a railroad sim for folks interested in railroads, that wanted to built and run a close to prototypical route ?
I will not revisit this thread with a reply !

Auran's Hotrod F7A SUPER-HYPER-MEGA-UBER charged...1,000,000,000,000 cars.

(I am NOT KIDDING. The loco was going over 200,000 MPH when it launched.)
Jumping BOXCARS should NOT be tried by the Homeviewer

I think you have started a DANGEROUS and RECKLESS Thread here and should be reported to the MODS!!!!!!...:p
For inciteing the Homeviewer into a Dangerous and Reckess and Extreme Behavour ...............If the Mods do nothing about this (I will come around your place and drag you away Kicking and Screaming ....and dont think you dont deserve it "deeelare"....................
If they dont "Consider yourself JUDGED and Report to a ISOCUBE imediatly!!"...(15 Years for Reckless Thinking) or Beware that Knock on the Door FOREVER!!

Using only the force of gravity, I got a UP P10 to 646mph before it went flying off of the ramp. I never even opened the throttle.