Help with Portals in tunnels please


Active member
Hi, Can someone please tell me how to get a portal into a tunnel. I have tried all ways that I can think of but everytime I try to raise the ground around the tunnel the portal rises with it!! I am trying to recreate the portals in tunnels as on Hawes Junction in TRS2006

Thanks Andrew
Do you mean when using the iPortal basic? If so, there is actually another iPortal that includes a tunnel. If that's not what you mean, please clarify. --Edit-- I assume you are using TRS2006, am I correct?
I know exactly what you are trying to do as I have done it myself. There is an object called the hole punch that can be used to 'cut' a hole in terrain. Use this to cut a hole, then there is another object called UK dummy tunnel 2 track or something (I can't remember exactly). Place this up to the correct point BUT lower the height of it until the tracks are buried. Then there is a spline called UK dummy tunnel (again, not entirely sure if it's the correct name), place this along the route where you want the portal. Then in the advanced controls of the spline editor, you can set the height of the far end to the same as the opening end. Then rotate the portals to the correct degree and insert them into the tunnel. Then connect your track directly to the portal NOT through the dummy tunnel entrance.

Voilà! One working tunnel!
