Help - Strange update problem !


Narrow minded Tram Person
Updated to Xp Pro, Told it to do a new install but it told me it wanted to updated to NTSF and when i ren the Tech he said say yes.

Installed Classic, all ok even can read the List of Layots now. Thats as far as i tried loading it.

Instaled 2004 , loaded ok, did not start the program, thought I would do the updates first.

Ran SP1, It ran very slowly it told a total of 48 hours to un on my computer, have not gone into Trainz but it said it installed ok, there was no errors as far as I know. I started it just before tea. it was still running when iI went to bed but had on;y got to 13%, by the mornint it had done around 48% so being narly half way I thought what the heck I would leave it, so lft it to it finished.

My tech suggested that I stopped it when I rang him in the morning and run it in Win98 compatible mode, should I try this with the next 2 patches?

Thanks in advance, answer soon

Updated to Xp Pro, Told it to do a new install but it told me it wanted to updated to NTSF and when i ren the Tech he said say yes.

Installed Classic, all ok even can read the List of Layots now. Thats as far as i tried loading it.

Instaled 2004 , loaded ok, did not start the program, thought I would do the updates first.

Ran SP1, It ran very slowly it told a total of 48 hours to un on my computer, have not gone into Trainz but it said it installed ok, there was no errors as far as I know. I started it just before tea. it was still running when iI went to bed but had on;y got to 13%, by the mornint it had done around 48% so being narly half way I thought what the heck I would leave it, so lft it to it finished.

My tech suggested that I stopped it when I rang him in the morning and run it in Win98 compatible mode, should I try this with the next 2 patches?

Thanks in advance, answer soon


Hi Tom,

There is no need to install sp1 for 2004. Go straight to sp4 and install that. Sp4 supercedes all other patches for 2004 but make sure you know your build number before patching and be sure to download the correct patch to bring it up to build 2365. As for running it in win98 compatible mode that is up to you, I run mine in winxp pro sp3 with no problems.

Upgrade to 2145

Sorry bill69, a bit late already started running Sp1 to Sp2. The first 2 seem quite large and the Sp4 one if I remeber right from sp2 is small so i am guessing the one you would have wanted me to download would have been Sp1,2,4 as Sp3 was only a Beta tempory patch.

Got if I wrote them all down 7 file not found errors installing 2145, if i rember right there was something about it when they were released and to ignore them?, doe any one remember?

Thanks in advance

Ok some Progress

TC : loaded and running ok.

TRS2004 Loaded Sp1 & 2 4 Previous files not found in Sp2, Startes to load (Dots across screen) then exits.

TRS2006 Decied to give it another go with new video card. Loaded ok with Sp1, 2 Previous files not found seems to run ok, frame rates a little slow in Northbay yard but ok.

Any advice accepted

First things first, when I reinstall TRS2004/06, I make sure its a CLEAN install, no third party content in there (I move it out first, to make sure its safe), then install TRS2004, straight after that, I install TRS2004 SP4, THEN run it to make sure its all happy and fine, before moving back any custom/downloaded content.

With TRS2006, its pretty much the same, clean install, install SP1, test to ensure its all working, then load in custom content/downloaded content. I would suggest reinstalling both products from clean (backup any downloaded/custom content first), then install the simulator, then its patch (only need SP4 for TRS2004), and SP1 for TRS2006. If you get *any* errors in the patching process, it means its failed, and can cause some unpredictable and frustrating problems later down the track.
Hi there

2006 was a new install from scratch, could not load Sp1 before I put the new video card and Xp on my machine.
