Having a unload trigger

Is it possible to have an unload trigger in trackside accessories that I can configure to unload what I like so I can just place it on the track on a curve unlike a multiple industry which has to be straight, I would like to place a trigger that lets you unload stuff off your train which is like a track marker which can be placed directly on track
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In the past I've used a Drive/Navigate to Trackmark command followed by an Instant Load/Unload command in situations similar to this. While it isn't an industry, it may do what you want. The only drawback is that it loads or unloads all vehicles instantly (obviously) which may not be what you want to see.


I believe it is DAP who has an "unload at trigger" rule you can use. It uses a regular trigger, it will unload everything after a five minute wait even engines if you forget to uncouple them.
Thanks I will give it a go


In the past I've used a Drive/Navigate to Trackmark command followed by an Instant Load/Unload command in situations similar to this. While it isn't an industry, it may do what you want. The only drawback is that it loads or unloads all vehicles instantly (obviously) which may not be what you want to see.


There are ProtoLars industry tracks that are very short. You are able to set wait time and a delay time between unloading wagons.
You can uncouple the wagons and leave them to unload or stay coupled and use a 'Wait for ' time to move on.
These can be used with a track mark to stop the train in the right spot.
They can have a number of things unload or load. It is also to possible unload one item then reload with another.
AS I don't have Tane I don't know if they work in that version.