Funny Trainz/CMP Pictures (56k warning)

When you try to use an American consist on a British route...
you'll get bad results.
Welcome to the forums florent120. Just a heads-up - we cannot see images that are stored on your hard drive. You must use a photo-sharing/photo-hosting site like HostThenPost or ImageShack or Photobucket in order to get the URL necessary to post it here.

YOLO! (Large image)


Anything with 4 wheels are masters of navigating tight curves on the rails. Like this GWR Trojan on a Rollercoaster. Because why not.
Kudos to tmz06003 for the roller coaster route.
(How is that not ten characters?)
BTW: You can make a train in Trainz do a complete 360 degree vertical loop (like on a roller coaster) but at +/_ 90 degrees the train will flip upright. Apparently Trainz code will not allow a train to run upside down.
