freeform runs


New member
I'm new to TRS2006. Which runs(besides training) can I do w/out a schedule or duties - just to play around and learn? Or what are some really easy runs?
Go to "Surveyor" and open any route/map. Add the rolling stock you want to use then save it. From there go to "Driver" and have at it.
I don't know how to use Surveyor. When I open it, the landscape has circles all over it. Will those go away? I'm sure that's a really dumb question, but I just started playing
Those circles are Spline Points.

They are where track segmets end, start, and connect. Ignore them and you'll be fine.

To get Rolling Stock (ex: Gas Cars, Box Cars) Hit the side button that has a wheel in it. I panel will appear. Now find something like ATSF F7A. Now hit the + button and then left click on the track and you will see the loco on the track.

Congradulations! You just put your first peice of Rolling Stock/Locomotive in Trainz!

Enjoy your Trainzing Experiance!
im new is something that helped me a lot.

Once you are in surveyor and you start placing some rolling stock you can press ctrl f2 and you will be put into driver so you can test things out a little as you go. then you can exit driver and go back to surveyor and continue changing your route.

Keep in mind that anything you do in driver stays as that "session" From what i understand you can not modify a session as it starts a new "session"

it was kinda confusing for me at first also. Just play around with it a little and have fun. the folks on here are great at answering your questions.
What exactly do you mean by easiest?
I have so many routes downloaded in the first place I dont even know the original routes anyway! lol :hehe: :hehe:
Like just get from point A to point B - no schedules, drop offs, etc. I think there was an Amtrak run on Trainz Driver Edition like that.
I'd go with The Black Forest; it's got a nice long loop through the mountains OR you can take a shorter loop by a river/lake (can't remember off the top of me head).

Personally...I've enhanced that route so much it's not even The Black Forest
Yes, open any of the existing layouts in surveyor, pick the USA layout if that is your preference.

Open the bottom tab on the left hand side and select any Loco you wish. Once you have added that loco to the layout, anywhere you desire, press Ctrl-f2 to quick drive. This will take you from surveyor to driver where you can drive the selected loco.

Yes, Surveyor. There are no trains in Driver unless you place them in Surveyor, unless you save it as a sesion first.
Come to think of it, you can't use Driver until you place a train with Surveyor first.
If I am wrong, it is because I should have been in bed hours ago.

Night night
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Driver mode = preselected route, trains, and duties
Surveyor mode = can select your own trains and modify scenery of the routes from Driver mode
I guess I thought Surveyor mode was only for making your own layouts, which I am avoiding until I know what I'm doing
In Driver I have rules and set goals, and in Surveyor I can do whatever...whenever.
Am I close? Thanks for the patience
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I got confused on my first day to so, If you go to Tidewater south - Freeform-i portal, You can do anything.

But chose the one with the bigboy you have to drive!

And Surveyor mode is easy. Just click the track... Wait a minute. Go to Trs2006 and then click it to open and click "Manual" And that should help you.

If you need help, Just ask!


And your somewhat close, Driver can do Freeform, Or A Job.

And you modify the scenery in surveyor. And yes you make routes in surveyor.
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