Founders Day at the Tennessee Valley Railroad Museum - EPIC FAIL


33 Year Old Railfan
Why was it an epic fail? Well, because instead of riding behind a double-header, I ended up in the ER getting stitches on my eyelid. Let me explain. So idling in the TVRM's Grand Junction yard was the Chickamauga Turn. I was taking pictures of it when I heard Southern 630 and 4501, blowing their whistles to let everyone know that they were coming. Immediately I took off at high speed towards the Grand Junction depot to get my camera set up to take a picture of them double-heading into the station. Unfortunately, as I was going up the gravel embankment, my foot dug into the gravel and I ended up landing face first on the track, somewhere around here,-85.2068139,3a,75y,276.47h,85.05t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipMIHA-aSynzip5T0jrljrK0iS8reiDtKMkIIQ57!2e10!3e11!!7i10240!8i5120. Luckily the switch was set for the train to go straight into the depot instead of turning around on the wye first. I ended up with a cut on my left eyelid and was bleeding from it a lot. Fortunately, an off-duty nurse was on the scene so there was someone with medical experience already there. An ambulance was quickly called, and I quickly called my Mom and told her what happened. Not surprisingly, she beat the ambulance to the TVRM. I was taken to Erlanger in downtown Chattanooga and spent a few hours there in the ER, where I got a few stitches to my left eyelid and a tetanus shot. I'm gonna have a black left eye for a few days but I should be alright otherwise. I mentioned to the paramedic that took me to the ER that I watch Live Rescue, which is a spin-off of A&E's Live PD and follows paramedics and firefighters, and he said that he has a camera crew that follows him doing his job. However, the camera crew is supposed to be back in town Tuesday, so you won't see me on national TV. However, I did get that paramedic interested in trains, as that was all we talked about on the way to the hospital, in between medical questions. Also, it's unfortunate that the TVRM webcam wasn't Virtual Railfan's Cam of the Week this week, then you could have seen the whole incident going on live.
I glad to hear your OK,

I have worked and played around Railroads a good part of my life.......Fortunately for me, no injuries, but Rail Safety is for good reason, and a friend of mine who does work with RR's had a tragic trip and fall on the Rails, they did have to goto the hospital and get ER Treatment, and if I recall subsequent surgeries for Bone injury......

Thank you for sharing your Story with us..........I'll say a prayer for you to heal up......
Immediately I took off at high speed towards the Grand Junction depot to get my camera set up to take a picture of them double-heading into the station. Unfortunately, as I was going up the gravel embankment, my foot dug into the gravel and I ended up landing face first on the track, .

Lesson learned, eh

Next time don't run and be a fool. You did this to yourself and only yourself to blame. I feel bad for you getting hurt and wish a speedy recovery, but take this as a life lesson. Step back from being a foamer for a second, and watch what you doing and where. Especially in a yard with moving equipment.