Formal Apology


Crabby Old Geezer
I would like to apologize for my comments in my thread "Blah Routes". I wasn't thinking to clearly when I wrote those words, and I never meant to offend anyone in the Trainz community. I realize many of you out there work long and hard, producing routes to the best of your ability, and are proud of your work. I had no right to be so harsh and critical. I would hope to receive forgiveness from each one I upset, and I resolve to be more helpful in the community from now on. Once again, I apologize.
;) Dear Dave,

Maybe you re-thought about the topic and realized that maybe there are also many superb routes outside the DS, but lots of them inside as well. ;)

The inside out side of Alberte :wave:
There's not many Forums (among the ones I've visited, at least) where there is the civility and good-neighbourlyness (cor, what a word) that's to be found on good old Trainz Surveyors. May it long continue. Good on yer, Dave. Cheerz everybody.
I thought some of the responses were blown out of proportion. Obviously "crappy" was a poor choice of words. I see no harm because no individual creator was singled out and the truth is we all make some crappy routes from time to time. mea culpa.:hehe:

Oh ya I almost can request the blah thread can be locked or deleted. Contact a moderator.
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