On his way
I am a bit pie-eyed so please forgive an mistakes made here. We had a frustrating time waitring before the alotted time for the arrival of both people and the cortege, but it all came together on the end. Most of the people who were supposed to come, came, except for one, and I filled that space with the aid of Jamaican Rose.
The car had it's 6 seat filled. The hearse had a plethora of floral tributes with mine across the back, a large fish with our photo on it. It was amazing and I went out and got a photo.
Then the slow journey to the crematorium with the funeral Director. an elegant lady in the appropriate black, conducting ceremonies like a master. It went without a hitch.
We had a ten minute wait at the cremtorium before the previous service was done, then our cortage moved into position, me going before the coffin because I am s bit slow being disbaled and with a stick.
The service was carried with great dignity by the Padre who eventually asked me to read the Eulogy. I made my way up and began reading clearly and precisely but faltered about halfway through. I knew I had to do this and continued on to completion. The Padre said my rendition was amazing and clarion clear, which was great. At the end they played 'Bright eyes, the actual Garfunkel version, and I doubt there was dry eye in the place, certainly not mine. My friend, Alison, was bawling her head off and I had to comfort her.....
The flowers were truly lovely. Then many of the guests came back for a get-together here, more than expected maybe, but the notable exceptions were his brothers. Michel, the French chap, has only just gone and kept us going with anecdotes and stories all through the afternoon and evening. What a guy, brilliant, where would I have been without him?
People travelled from far and wide, Cambridgeshire and Dorset to come, so nobody can complain about that. I gave his ex wife the photos I found in his 'bottom drawer' of their wedding and her with a dog now long dead, which I think she appreciated.
I am only just clearing away the crockery and stuff.... I bit under the weather with sherry I am afraid, but it was a hell of a send-off for Alan, better than I could ever have hoped for.
Personally I am not sure how I feel, while under the influence I suppose, but perhaps now over the hump...
Goodness knows how we will sleep.... I am too mixed up to worry at present. The main thing in my opinion was that I charged everybody's glasses or cups and toasted Alan's memory aloud and they all joined in. Bloody marvelous.
Now I need to look ahead and the fights I am likely to have on my hands....
At least two promises of close support from Rose and Ramila, (Carribean and Asian in that order and who said there was an enthnic divide?), which is wonderful. They are both great ladies and offered help without question.
Goodbye my gentle giant, I hope you find happiness wherever you are, you deserve it.
The local paper ran a 1/3 page testimonial (or whatever they're called...) on him amd his history of a lifetime in Hounslow Borough and put in a picture too boot, a lovely touch. I could not have asked for more.
Thank you for making this a sticky, the thought has been greatly appreciated. Now we must move on....
God bless you Alan, wherever you are, one day I will rejoin you. Untill then....
My love and heartfelt thanks to all who have made this thread possible,