Farewell to a good friend

I've been away from the forum for a few weeks, so I just saw you post and I would like to extend my deepest sympathies to you. I had to watch my father decline in much the same way from lung cancer and I've never seen a man die with more dignity than he did. The pain and suffering is great, not only for the victim of this terrible disease, but for the loved ones. You have friends here and we all wish you the very best and trust that you and he will be together once more someday.
I've been away from the forum for a few weeks, so I just saw you post and I would like to extend my deepest sympathies to you. I had to watch my father decline in much the same way from lung cancer and I've never seen a man die with more dignity than he did. The pain and suffering is great, not only for the victim of this terrible disease, but for the loved ones. You have friends here and we all wish you the very best and trust that you and he will be together once more someday.

Yes I know what you feel.

(Continue if you wish but in PM please.)
I just saw your post Angelah. My deepest condolences to you. I have no idea how I would cope if I lost my wife of 45 years. My mind refuses to accept that it might happen at any time. May Alan rest in peace.

Hello Angela,

It's a truly disheartening thing to lose someone close to you. My deepest sympathy to you. Your post was very inspiring and it is evident that you were very very close to your husband.
Thank you

Thank you all again, this forum and your wonderfull support and messages have help enormously.
Alan and I were very close, almost one person, so the loss is deep and emotional. But I realise he could not go on in that kind of pain and suffering and he decided when to end it, while I held him so we were also together at that point.

To be honest I never expected this kind of response when I started the thread, I just wanted to maybe talk to a few people, and it has taken me by surprise and comforted me, and this must also apply to the other threads of this sad nature. Seeing such unswerving loyalty to other members is inspiring, and from people we have never met nor ar likely to, that has to be something special.

Members are putting their thoughts and feelings into works, not an easy thing to do and get it right, but each and every one has and done so admirably.

I am on other forums, shooting and military and there has been a similar response, in the vast majoroty of cases from men who have expressed their sorrow at my loss in such tender ways.

Thank you,

Hi Angela,

I am so sorry to hear of your sad loss and I hope you are surrounded by the love of your family and close friends at this tragic time. By the length of this thread I say you are, even though it be intangeable. I understand exactly how you must be feeling. I lost the love of my life after 23 years of being together, not through death but of something much more sinister. Take comfort from the thought that Alan has passed on from this mortal coil and has no more suffering. May your God in whatever form you believe, guide you, bless you and take from you your feelings of sadness and loss.

Kindest regards
Dear Angela,

Please, accept my deepest sympathy and honest feelings by the untimely pass-away of your beloved husband and friend Alan.

Alan must be a very special person for you. He is like a star shining bright in the sky, already uniting people around the globe together.

Angela, it is very hard for us to imagine where you are going through on this moment. Therefore, if anything we can do to help you, please let us know.

My thoughts and prayers are with you and Alan.

With respect,

Most sincere

Many thanks for your obviously most sincere condolences, they do help me enormously knowing just how many people out there see and reply to such posts as mine, for I am not alone in sadness.
And also thanks to 'the powers that be' for making this a temporary sticky, that is very kind and thoughtful.

Unfortunately my own family live in Wales so cannot give me any support apart from e-mails. Alan's family has spread worldwide but his 2 local brothers have come when called and helped by driving me about to hospitals and moving furniture when the hospital bed was brought and taken away again.
Most of the time I have been here alone but on Tuesday a friend is coming to stay for a few days and she will be a great help during the last part of Alan's journey. This will be on Thursday 18th at 1500 hours (3.0 pm) at Hanworth Crematorium, Hounslow. If any member happens to be in the vicinity they would be most welcome, please do introduce yourself if so.

And then.... the great unknown for me....

Love to all for your support,

Angelah's loss

Hi Angelah - The support you have received from a bunch of folk addicted to Trainz is quite staggering, and from all over this world of ours. Over the past few years I too have lost both my older sister Valerie (Valerius Magna station on Valleyfields layout) and also my father (David's Park). I am fortunate in that I have reached that point where I am thankful that they no longer feel pain, and can reflect on happy times with them and smile. My wish for you is that you too will eventually reach that time when you can reflect with a smile on the times you both shared.

I would request that Auran administration allow this string to continue until after 18th as you have a whole community here willing to assist as much as they can as you start the process of "closure".

Take care. In peace.


Hi Angelah - The support you have received from a bunch of folk addicted to Trainz is quite staggering, and from all over this world of ours. Over the past few years I too have lost both my older sister Valerie (Valerius Magna station on Valleyfields layout) and also my father (David's Park). I am fortunate in that I have reached that point where I am thankful that they no longer feel pain, and can reflect on happy times with them and smile. My wish for you is that you too will eventually reach that time when you can reflect with a smile on the times you both shared.

I would request that Auran administration allow this string to continue until after 18th as you have a whole community here willing to assist as much as they can as you start the process of "closure".

Take care. In peace.


It was so very kind of the guys to make this a sticky and up to the 18th would be a bonus.
I have made 2 albums of his early life and ours together and can look back on some of the pictures and smile.... he was such a terrific character you can't but help it.
A visitor today perked me up, a Jamaican neighbour of ours. She is a great person also with a great personality and will be coming in the car with me as she knew Alan longer than I did.

Love to all,

Wow, I can relate to that My "Nana" has lots of things going on with her and the docter don't know how long she will live.

I hope you get better angalah.
Final journey

This day, Thursday 18th October 2007, is the final journey for Alan's mortal remains. His spirit has long since departed and I am sure will be watching over me for the remainder of my life.
The funeral is at 3.00 pm (1500 hours) at Hanworth Crematorium.
There is a flood of floral tributes and that shows just how well respected he was.
Goodbye to and incredibly brave and extraordinary man, I miss him so terribly much.

Love to all for the support that has been beyond belief on here,

All the very best.....

This day, Thursday 18th October 2007, is the final journey for Alan's mortal remains. His spirit has long since departed and I am sure will be watching over me for the remainder of my life.
The funeral is at 3.00 pm (1500 hours) at Hanworth Crematorium.
There is a flood of floral tributes and that shows just how well respected he was.
Goodbye to and incredibly brave and extraordinary man, I miss him so terribly much.

Love to all for the support that has been beyond belief on here,


Hi Angela - All the very best for your future which, hopefully, will still include the Trainz community. Think of us as one huge "extended family" ... rather different perhaps, but still your extended family!

Take care. Colin.
On his way

I am a bit pie-eyed so please forgive an mistakes made here. We had a frustrating time waitring before the alotted time for the arrival of both people and the cortege, but it all came together on the end. Most of the people who were supposed to come, came, except for one, and I filled that space with the aid of Jamaican Rose.
The car had it's 6 seat filled. The hearse had a plethora of floral tributes with mine across the back, a large fish with our photo on it. It was amazing and I went out and got a photo.
Then the slow journey to the crematorium with the funeral Director. an elegant lady in the appropriate black, conducting ceremonies like a master. It went without a hitch.
We had a ten minute wait at the cremtorium before the previous service was done, then our cortage moved into position, me going before the coffin because I am s bit slow being disbaled and with a stick.
The service was carried with great dignity by the Padre who eventually asked me to read the Eulogy. I made my way up and began reading clearly and precisely but faltered about halfway through. I knew I had to do this and continued on to completion. The Padre said my rendition was amazing and clarion clear, which was great. At the end they played 'Bright eyes, the actual Garfunkel version, and I doubt there was dry eye in the place, certainly not mine. My friend, Alison, was bawling her head off and I had to comfort her.....
The flowers were truly lovely. Then many of the guests came back for a get-together here, more than expected maybe, but the notable exceptions were his brothers. Michel, the French chap, has only just gone and kept us going with anecdotes and stories all through the afternoon and evening. What a guy, brilliant, where would I have been without him?

People travelled from far and wide, Cambridgeshire and Dorset to come, so nobody can complain about that. I gave his ex wife the photos I found in his 'bottom drawer' of their wedding and her with a dog now long dead, which I think she appreciated.
I am only just clearing away the crockery and stuff.... I bit under the weather with sherry I am afraid, but it was a hell of a send-off for Alan, better than I could ever have hoped for.

Personally I am not sure how I feel, while under the influence I suppose, but perhaps now over the hump...

Goodness knows how we will sleep.... I am too mixed up to worry at present. The main thing in my opinion was that I charged everybody's glasses or cups and toasted Alan's memory aloud and they all joined in. Bloody marvelous.

Now I need to look ahead and the fights I am likely to have on my hands....

At least two promises of close support from Rose and Ramila, (Carribean and Asian in that order and who said there was an enthnic divide?), which is wonderful. They are both great ladies and offered help without question.

Goodbye my gentle giant, I hope you find happiness wherever you are, you deserve it.

The local paper ran a 1/3 page testimonial (or whatever they're called...) on him amd his history of a lifetime in Hounslow Borough and put in a picture too boot, a lovely touch. I could not have asked for more.

Thank you for making this a sticky, the thought has been greatly appreciated. Now we must move on....

God bless you Alan, wherever you are, one day I will rejoin you. Untill then....

My love and heartfelt thanks to all who have made this thread possible,

Hounslow Chronicle

Here is a scanned image of the article printed on the very day of Alan's funeral. We were at Beconscot to look at the amazing trains there....


or an html tag
"http://i158.photobucket.com/albums/t82/angelajaneh/Alan_Chronicle_article_full.jpg" Love to all,

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Hello Angelah,

Thank you for sharing about Alan, & in so doing, also sharing what you have, & are going through, yourself.

As you have been touched (& I trust helped) by heartfelt support expressed here, please be aware that many on this forum have been helped right now, by you sharing from the heart too.
Compassion can be a two-way street, as is the joy of receiving; & giving.

By bearing your feelings, frustrations doubts & fears, you have shown us that
we have much to ponder;about life.
You have made us all a little stronger, in so doing.

Not only has your 'healing process' already begun, but this thread & the essence of the contents therein, is bringing about the finishing of unfinished business for some of the people here too.

Algelah allow yourself the grace to bounce all over the place, as & when necessary.
Go easy on yourself. You will probably experience a whole range of feelings. It's all part of the grieving process.
Referring to the 1st sentence above; note the words "going through".
You will come out 'the other end'.
Even though scars remain, the wounds will be healed.

Press into God Angelah, He is real, & so is His Love
Angelah, sorry I haven't responded sooner I have just found this thread while looking for something else. I am sorry and you have my thoughts and prayers. I lost a very dear friend of mine, she was like a granny to me in 2003 we were close and all I can say is time doesn't nessecsary heal but you learn to live I still think about her often but I am not as sad about her passing as I used to be. Take care and be strong :) *hugs*
So sorry

Angelah, sorry I haven't responded sooner I have just found this thread while looking for something else. I am sorry and you have my thoughts and prayers. I lost a very dear friend of mine, she was like a granny to me in 2003 we were close and all I can say is time doesn't nessecsary heal but you learn to live I still think about her often but I am not as sad about her passing as I used to be. Take care and be strong :) *hugs*

Dear Louise,
I am so sorry to learn you suffered such a loss, it hurts like hell.... and goes on hurting. I hope, that like you, I can come to terms with it one day.
Thank you for sharing your loss with me and for your thoughts.
Alan is home again now, at least his ashes are, so I feel a little more complete somehow.


Angela (no need for the h...)