Emit From Portal Problems


Well-known member
For three days I have been trying to find a combination that works for the following:

A Basic Portal and Central Portal Control. Portal 2 baseboards away from first activity.

Objective is to emit a train from the portal with some number of cars to perform an activity and return to the portal. Emulating other railroads feeding and accepting traffic with my railroad.

There are a variety of conditions that work and others that fail involving various engine as well as rolling stock variations.

The portal will be emitting various consist structures (major city connecting to my regional).

Just need to know if there are any other general portal issues or solutions? Not looking for a fix but some general idea of the reliability of Central Portal Control and the portals themselves. At least that may show that my problems are local or not.
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I have few issues with basic Portal and CPC. The only thing is that once a session has started, saved, and quit a CPC "reset" must be done at next start of the session or the portal doesn't emit. Launch the saved session, in session "Edit Session," click on CPC to highlight the CPC rule, right click and Reset.
By CPC Reset do you mean accessing and leaving CPC or is there some specific command. I accessed CPC before running the session. Exited CPC and ran the session ok. Started CPC again and exited. The consist would not emit.
By CPC Reset do you mean accessing and leaving CPC or is there some specific command. I accessed CPC before running the session. Exited CPC and ran the session ok. Started CPC again and exited. The consist would not emit.
It explains it in the post.
While running in a session do an "Edit Session". You will see all the session commands that control the session. Find the "Central Portal Control" rule and right click on it. You will be given the option to "Reset". Do it. SAVE (to save changes) and then hjn go back to running your trainz session.

I don't know what you are referring to in your comments. I cannot follow your terms and phrases. Sorry. Don't know what you mean when you say "Started CPC before running the session" All the session rules start and run when you launch a trainz session.
Well i got it running - portal train developed and ran to a siding where the engine uncoupled and drove back to the portal. I did this 2 times with no problem. But, on the third run, with no changes, the engine never came out of the portal. This is a shaky set of code. I am going to eliminate an un-needed turn-around loop the portal engine has to pass. Unless you have the code it is very difficult to find these problems.

On the language issue - I should have known CPC was an active session "idling",. It has been more than 30 years since I professionally programmed.
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Try this one. The trains leave the portal and run to four different industries and back to the portals one after the other. It takes about 38 minutes real time to run all four. You didn't say anything about other traffic or whether the side tracks were single or double-ended, hopefully this about what you asked for. The essential thing is you can't run more than one train at a time and they have have to be spaced far enough apart not to conflict with each other. I also used Portal Timetable Rule since that's what I'm familiar with.

Thanks for your kind words about my "nothing new" portal essay. :)
Old thread but I had an experience with Central Portal Control as well. It is a neat little thing. But seems to be inconsistent with the train limit variable. My portals were not emitting right at the start of the session. Lifting the limit to 100 solved my issues. Forgot to mention that the same route / session which would work correctly in TRS19, when installed din TRS22 it would render Central Portal Control inoperative, but raising the limit to 100 trains did the trick.
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