Down Load Failures (again)


Just tried to download things for trs 2004 and get a error message saying "Invalid syntax error" and that's as far as I can go..Only just started this..
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Just tried to download things for trs 2004 and get a error message saying "Invalid syntax error" and that's as far as I can go..Only just started this..

Sorry I've just found that I have trs 2004 mixed up with trs 2006 or something like that.Have sorted it all out now.....Silly old galah I am...

No point creating 2 threads nearly on the same subject. Download Failures (again) :cool:
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The commodore 64 once gave me that error back in 89. It never worked again after that and required a new tape drive.

Please be careful next time.

The ex-commodorian site of Bernie :wave: