DLS Callout

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A Forest Test kinda started off that way, but vastly improved in the 1.0 stage. As for content wise, I remember some of the stuff I should of (never) uploaded to the DLS. How I dread those content pieces *cough* Code Lyoko Scenery *cough*
If you ever want a laugh, go back into your old routes.

I made one once. It had a roundhouse and a loop. No trees, just track. :p

A Forest Test kinda started off that way, but vastly improved in the 1.0 stage. As for content wise, I remember some of the stuff I should of (never) uploaded to the DLS. How I dread those content pieces *cough* Code Lyoko Scenery *cough*

We have to laugh and smile though this annoys us, but keep in mind we were at that stage too.

I started my big route, which I am actually working on now as I type this around January 2004. I started with 4-tiny baseboards all stuck in a square and built out from there. The route went through a few iterations to a point where I took some screenshots, which sadly can no longer be retrieved because they are not only long gone but were also on Image Shack which has deleted them. With TRS2004 into TRS2006 it looked pretty much the same, yet at the same time I was learning from the masters.

What do I mean by this? I started imitating and trying my best to make my routes look like those created by George Fisher. His style caught my eye and being from New England helped as my route was New England based. So much for version 1.0... You could actually see the difference as time went on between the very beginning and what followed after that. So I started version 2.0...

Version 2.0 looked much better, I posted screen shots, we oohed over them as though they were the bees knees. Time went on and I put the route aside and I worked on other things, only to come back wiser and more experienced. Sections which I thought, well we all thought then were the bees knees, sucked to put it bluntly. The intervening time brought on more route building experience, better texturing, better imagination and a whole lot better track laying experience with it. So... version 2.5 was started with the aim of upgrading everything up to that point. I pulled, deleted and rebuilt whole sections which looked terrible then. By now TRS2010 came out with Speed Trees and the old billboards looked like window screens. I replaced trees, rebuilt more, and rebuilt more.

The route got shelved for a bit. I deleted a bunch of early baseboards and I left things alone. Recently I've picked it up again only to delete, rebuild, and redo sections all over again. The track looks a ton better now, so I think, and my texturing is more consistent through out. I'm proud of my old route which is at version 5.2 now. Will this be released to the general public? In summary no. There's too much stuff from everywhere to hunt down the Kuids to be bothered with. For me it will be a decade of work which when completed will be a joy to drive.

You see we should aim to improve. Look back at what we did, laugh at ourselves, and aim to do better than that.

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