These discussion forums have been a real downer place as of late (well maybe longer than recently). Tony Hillman announces the release of a new patch, or upgrade, sale or the like and there are more complaints than anything else. While constructive criticism is an important part of customer interaction as well as quality and product improvement; the bashing that goes on is really discouraging.
TRS 22 BETA gets announced and people bi*** about bugs and things it doesn't have. A sale gets announced and people whine that what they wanted wasn't included in the sale. A content creator releases something and there's questions why this road or that road wasn't part of the freebie release. Or it's missing this or that.
When I was into scale model railroading and other model building, these people were called "rivet counters." Yes, they have there place as encouraging more accurate models. But they are a discouragement too, because they are never happy.
As has been said on these forums before: If you can do a better job of designing and programming a train simulation than N3V, go for it. Let's see what you can do. I don't have that skill. I appreciate what someone else can do. I have my issues with some parts of the game, but nothing is perfect.
Now, to those who wonder why this issue bugs me; I am a woodworker who uses my hobby to make a little bit of money on the side. It's disappointing to have people complain that I don't make what they want or why my prices are what they are. I suggest they make it themselves. That shuts them up.
Thank you to N3V and the content creators for everything you do for us.
I do expect for people to bi*** and flame me for this, it's a public forum. You're entitled to your opinion, as am I. And this is simply my opinion.
I shall climb off my soapbox and go back into my cave.
TRS 22 BETA gets announced and people bi*** about bugs and things it doesn't have. A sale gets announced and people whine that what they wanted wasn't included in the sale. A content creator releases something and there's questions why this road or that road wasn't part of the freebie release. Or it's missing this or that.
When I was into scale model railroading and other model building, these people were called "rivet counters." Yes, they have there place as encouraging more accurate models. But they are a discouragement too, because they are never happy.
As has been said on these forums before: If you can do a better job of designing and programming a train simulation than N3V, go for it. Let's see what you can do. I don't have that skill. I appreciate what someone else can do. I have my issues with some parts of the game, but nothing is perfect.
Now, to those who wonder why this issue bugs me; I am a woodworker who uses my hobby to make a little bit of money on the side. It's disappointing to have people complain that I don't make what they want or why my prices are what they are. I suggest they make it themselves. That shuts them up.
Thank you to N3V and the content creators for everything you do for us.
I do expect for people to bi*** and flame me for this, it's a public forum. You're entitled to your opinion, as am I. And this is simply my opinion.
I shall climb off my soapbox and go back into my cave.