Date Joined ?

It's because the "real" dates we joined are stored in a separate database which Auran told us they were going to link up to the new forum. It's only been 13 months since the big crash, maybe we should give them more time..
The forum may have crashed but the date joined is still in your profile through your content on the DLS. Is this a separate profile or isn't linked to the one on the forum?


just seen reply by jivebunny

I guess it's not best to rush them then

So only those who had content have retained their actual joining date.

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It's because the "real" dates we joined are stored in a separate database which Auran told us they were going to link up to the new forum. It's only been 13 months since the big crash, maybe we should give them more time..

A damn good one, JB :hehe: *wipes tears from my eyes* Real good one ...
This post alone made my forum visit today worth it.

It's bragging rights. The longer you've been here, "the smarter you are". ;)

I doubt if "bragging rights" buy anyone very much anymore ?
However "the longer one has been here", I would most likely wager transfers into knowledge, and these are the members we draw on for answers!
Never read from a newbie his/her suggestions on transferring 04 content to 06 or TC, plus a myrad of other subjects. The longer one has been here, in probability, they have achieved more knowledge, hence, "the smarter they are" ?
Not to say the more years you have been a member, the more you know, but the probability has certainly increased.

...Not to say the more years you have been a member, the more you know, but the probability has certainly increased.


This may be generally true, but some become members that have a wealth of experience in other game formats that transer to Trainz rather quickly and easily, have a vast background in programming / scripting or just learn things faster. I would also dare say that someone being retired is able to spend many more hours per week on Trainz than someone that holds down a full-time job, so it's probably hours of experience, not years of experience that is the better rule for judging knowledge and experience. I know that I spend many hours per week on Trainz that I otherwise would not have been able to when I was working full time.
I don't care how long someone has been a member if they can help me with a problem I'm having. My 2 cents worth...or maybe just a pennys worth.:wave:
You know us, by what we say, and how we say it...

8) I could find my join date, I see it

You have to have so done your homework, to know if what your told is true!
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I am talking what is GENERALLY true !

This is another thread that is heading downhill --

Possibly the Holiday stress is overwhelming me ???

I am talking what is GENERALLY true !

This is another thread that is heading downhill --

Possibly the Holiday stress is overwhelming me ???

You just haven't had your coca cola. Or M&M's. Or other Christmastime propaganda. :)

But yeah, that's what I meant. Face it, you're more likely to ask someone who's been here a long time than someone who just registered yesterday! Kind of difficult though, since all the oldfolk's join dates are November 2006.
Christ, is my LORD, and Saviour...

8) Coca-Cola, is my propaganda...

With the forward look into the infininte future, all else, falls dim.