I'd say the main problem with MSTS 2 is that it won't be on sale until 2009. Too far away to get excited about yet.
I liked the video. 2009 Isn't so far off. What I want to know before purchasing it is 2 things:

How to create content for it?

And what is the route creation utility like?

If it is easier to make a route in MSTS2 than it is for Trainz than I would definitely purchase it.

I've got to admit one thing which impressed me was the smooth realistic motion of the Points (Switches).However the acid test of this game will be whether you can build your own routes.In MSTS it is virtually impossible, which is why my MSTS is gathering dust on the floor behind my PC.By contrast route building in Trainz is childishly simple and supported by 90,000 + assets...:p
First, ALL (repeat ALL) simulators have their good and bad points. And I thought this thread was to d.i.s.c.u.s.s. a product, not one versus another product.

To Niko1, I'm not saying you are doing it, but just because someone has a different opinion, or criticises a product, does not mean they are acting "retarded."

Secondly, I can't seem to right-click & "save as". Any other options for dial up?

Thirldly, wouldn't it be better for ANY company to complete their product/s first, THEN advertise it, instead of showing a video of the pilot first? This is the mistake that a number of model railway companies (& yes I am refering to two Australian companies) & other companies make. They waste money on pilots (such as models) that may have mistakes that need corrected.

For example, you wouldn't advertise a car for sale, that needs correcting, would you?

Fourthly, oh great as soon as I remember what the last two points are, I'll post them.
Exactly RR

There are those that for whatever reason they may have want to turn it into a "my dog is bigger than your dog thing." Not to worry as they have their opinion and you have yours. The big differnece is that you have your sim now and others may be betting on a come.
time will tell where everyone lands. :)


Exactly RR

There are those that for whatever reason they may have want to turn it into a "my dog is bigger than your dog thing." Not to worry as they have their opinion and you have yours. The big differnece is that you have your sim now and others may be betting on a come.
time will tell where everyone lands. :)



for me .. more of looking to what I believe is the future of sims in general > ESP

A small edit to clarify the above

Those of us that have been here for awhile will remember Gregs " The Future of Trainz " post - RSP . The World Of Rails concept in M$ TS2 and similar design in FSX is what I see as part of Gregs vision , not from Auran for sure , but if another company pick up the ball and deliver something like Tranzportation ,( and this is what I see is going to happen ) then I'll be 1 happy Train Simmer .

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The scenery is OK/good.
I'm so glad to see a prototypical classic American eastern route in the box.
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Me said:
Fourthly, oh great as soon as I remember what the last two points are, I'll post them.

Fourthly, what's this reference to around $US800 - $US10,000 (whatever it was) come into it?

Nikos1 and all others - you can't judge a product before you use it, and if their are faults with it, their are consumer (in most countries) rights that allow to either return, replace or repair the software.(1)

1. I will make it clear that in Australia, most shops claim that it you can't get a refund on software - WRONG, if it's faulty. Software is subject to the exact same consumer rights as anything else.

If a company advertises that something is included in software, but then you open it, and find the company DID NOT include what they advertise, you also have a right to take it back, and get a refund. This is one reason I will NOT buy a certain Trainz product.

Lastly, I forget the last point, after I remembered again.
To Niko1, I'm not saying you are doing it, but just because someone has a different opinion, or criticises a product, does not mean they are acting "retarded."

No, having a different opinion is fine, but what im seeing in this thread is people bashing a product without any basis for their argument, if you read the previous posts you will find people bashing the sim for "retarded" reasons such as the driver coupling the train at too high speeds or that the game will not have DEM support even though the whole world is modeled already."

as for your other point: would you like to be left in the dark, not having a clue what the sim will look like until you actually buy it? I think its a show of good faith by the MSTS2 team to show us not just screenshots but a video this early in development, the video is supposed to show progress in the development process, not a idea of what the final game will look like.

Second post

Nikos1 and all others - you can't judge a product before you use it, and if their are faults with it, their are consumer (in most countries) rights that allow to either return, replace or repair the software.(1)

Will Auran pay for shipping and handling so i can return my copy of trs 06 to Australia, my sound doesnt seem to work:eek:
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Will Auran pay for shipping and handling so i can return my copy of trs 06 to Australia, my sound doesnt seem to work
Although this relates more to Australia, I believe their are (maybe) similar laws in other countries, such as the USA. If ANY item (be it software or not) is faulty, and is still under its implied warranty, usually around 12 months, then the consumer automatically has a right to take it to the seller (the seller, not the manufacturer is responsible) to ask for either a refund, repair, or exchange, without being charged any posting, handling being charged - if it's still under warranty, however the source that I went to, aren't really sure if you may pay for posting, handling if an Australian product was brought overseas.

Presume I lived in say UK or USA, and found that the sound didn't work, I would have gone to the seller that I got it from, and explained that the sound didn't work.
Oops, forget to add while editing last post; but anyway this thread is not really about whether a product is faulty or not, it's about what a future product may or may not offer.
No, having a different opinion is fine, but what im seeing in this thread is people bashing a product without any basis for their argument, if you read the previous posts you will find people bashing the sim for "retarded" reasons

Could you please explain to me the use of "retarded" in your post, the "Special needs" people have as much, if not more, right NOT to be insulted by people who have a vocabulary so severely limited that to express themselves they have to resort to cheap shots at people that cannot defend themselves.

Cheers David (who is fed up with all the self centered thinking going on in these forums lately)
Certainly in the UK theres a law called the "Distant selling regulations" which says that if you buy any Goods or Service over the phone and it is faulty then the payment or contract is void and you are entitled to a refund for the goods or termination of the contract.I ordered Broadband from BT last year and they jerked me around for 3 weeks, till I went to a Citizens Advice Beureau and was told to terminate the contract and BT didn"t have a leg to stand on..:p
I have the old MSTS but trainz is much better and easier to yoose but rail sim has great graphics but the edditing tools are sooooooooo hard to youse trainz is much better
I have the old MSTS but trainz is much better and easier to yoose but rail sim has great graphics but the edditing tools are sooooooooo hard to youse trainz is much better

o_O Why are people so quick to assume that the second will be like the first?

I am not saying that Train Simulator X will be better then Trainz yet but I am saying that you guys are being a little to biased by not giving new sims a chance.
Trainz will always be in our hearts but we all need to see what's new.