Hrmm I didn't really like that video. For one; the driver put it on full throttle (or so it looked like) and the train was doing about 30 I'd say, MAX! Also alot of the graphs in it I've seen better in TRS. Finally s/he coupled to that train WAY to fast; and then stopped in no time at all.

Looks like I'll be staying with Auran (assuming they stay)

If MSTSX comes up with a route builder, and some content creators that supply freeware, I could easily entertain purchasing the sim.
The graphics are very good in MHO !
Can't really blame the program because of the operator ?

My thoughts ---DLR
Only one of my points was operator error; One was route creator error (or lack there of), and the other was engine spec stuff.

In the brief update that accompanies the video, it makes a couple of statements that are interesting.
The engine sound was dubbed, there are admitted scenery malfunctions, and track graphics that are being addressed as the development continues .

I am impressed !

Also, I believe the throttle was brought to full to facilitate starting the train, as it goes to a second view, we have no way of knowing if the throttle was returned to half power ?

I liked the cab and the track, but the rest could of been a trainz video. We'll have to wait and see what comes of it I guess.

you know it would help if you guys actually read what was posted before you start making retarded assumptions.:o

Of course, because this is a prototype, there are a few things that aren’t quite perfect, or aren’t yet done:
  • The cab interior we’re showing represents a Norfolk Southern EMD SD70. The exterior model represents a BNSF General Electric Dash 9. (Astute viewers noticed this in the screenshots we released a while back.) The finished product will have matched exteriors and interiors!
  • The rolling stock is still being refined. Items such as the wheel surfaces on the Dash 9 will be fixed as we move through production.
  • The track components still need an art pass to enhance the realism. The track doesn’t currently include multiple tie types and super-elevation, but these items will also be included in future production activities.
  • There are some issues with object placement—you will notice the train passing through tree branches in a few places.
  • The sounds you hear were dubbed, using our own source material, to give a sense of what the final sound experience will be. We have sound working in the game, but only at a very basic level. Our developers are currently working on enhancements to the sound system as you read this. Johnstown will have appropriate critter sounds, not the generic crickets you hear in this video; yes, we care about getting these details right!
  • Our dev team is still working on some performance issues around frame rate. Happily, we’ve made significant progress since this video was produced.
Hrmm I didn't really like that video. For one; the driver put it on full throttle (or so it looked like) and the train was doing about 30 I'd say, MAX! Also alot of the graphs in it I've seen better in TRS. Finally s/he coupled to that train WAY to fast; and then stopped in no time at all.

Looks like I'll be staying with Auran (assuming they stay)


A: this is very early in the developments stage so physics are gonna be perfect.
B: in trs you can couple at 100mph for all it matters...
C: how can you possibly compare those graphics to trs

One was route creator error (or lack there of)


Have you not heard about Rails of the world ? :eek:

Wrong type of cab for that engine AND the same horn from the old game.No good.

A: read the notes with the video :P
B: and whats your point? the original MSTS team recorded a accurate K3LA horn so theres nothing wrong with it although im sure they will improve or use a new recording when its released.
I was not impressed. It seems to be no more than a poorly thrown together mockup of the final product, featuring graphics as it's only selling point. If you're going to show what this game really is, then show us what we're going to see in the release version. As it stands now, it looks and runs just like Trainz. Also, I imagine that MSTS2 will require a powerful system, which will lose 30-40 percent of your customer base that own older computer systems. The main selling point is, will MSTS2 be good enough to lure people away from Trainz?
Not impressed.

When running forward it sounded like a Diesel thats wants to be a Steam Engine but in reverse when shunting the engine sound was totally different.
If I listen to it without the video it sounds like a steam train approaching from the distance.
It sounds like there are 2 locos running together Steam & Diesel.Either that or that diesel needs a valve job.

Then again it could just be my sound card.

"MSTS2 will require a powerful system, which will lose 30-40 percent of your customer base"
-But its Mircosoft, so it will be Vista compatible right out of the box; it might even be multi-threaded for dual-core processors... :Y:

And as for the graphics, I think they look far superior, even at this early stage in development. I've always had the impression of Trainz being a little "cartoony" with its graphics (built-in routes only); nothing wrong with that, its just an observation. I expect MSTS2 might have comparable graphics to FSX (as far as quality, special effects, and framerates) which will put even EA's Rail Simulator in its place.

Remeber, this is not the finished product; they list what will be fixed and improved upon. Don't be so hasty to judge the non-existent final product on what the begining stages look like; Rome wasn't built in a day.

To me it sounds like most of the negativety in this thread is caused by people who don't like the idea of MSTS2 merely because it is not Auran/TRS. Great brand loyalty guys, I'm sure Auran appreciates it, but try and keep an open mind. :n:
I kind of liked it. The exhaust appears to have been made a tad more realistic, the camera angles are more versatile by default (a big plus in my view), and the overall look of it seems pretty good. Of course, this is from a guy who loves ALL train sims.
Despite the critism, I think it looks pretty good. I never had MSTS, so I can't really comment further.
Not impressed. It looked like a HO model railroad.
I liked the detail of the cab but nothing else I could pinpoint to
get excited about.

Trainz is the whole tamale, not just eye candy from Microsoft which doesn't
look that impressive anyway.
everyone who is bashing mindlessly bashing MSTS2 is making retarded assumptions, i have not heard a single legitimate complaint yet.
As for everyone saying this just looks thrown together what can you expect so early in the development process though i dont think it looks at all thrown together.
if you want thrown together i suggest watching this
@big_b: theres nothing wrong with that, ever listened to a GE before? you will notice it resembles a steam loco more than a little.
@JimDep: i dont see how you could possibly accuse MSTS2 of looking like a HO layout, after all trs is the only sim to use the method of baseboards which looks quite HO like.
and again no one is getting this but MSTS2 will include all the railways of the whole WORLD! i think thats the whole tamale if not a good bit more.....