"MSTS2 will require a powerful system, which will lose 30-40 percent of your customer base"
-But its Mircosoft, so it will be Vista compatible right out of the box; it might even be multi-threaded for dual-core processors... :Y:
And as for the graphics, I think they look far superior, even at this early stage in development. I've always had the impression of Trainz being a little "cartoony" with its graphics (built-in routes only); nothing wrong with that, its just an observation. I expect MSTS2 might have comparable graphics to FSX (as far as quality, special effects, and framerates) which will put even EA's Rail Simulator in its place.
Remeber, this is not the finished product; they list what will be fixed and improved upon. Don't be so hasty to judge the non-existent final product on what the begining stages look like; Rome wasn't built in a day.
To me it sounds like most of the negativety in this thread is caused by people who don't like the idea of MSTS2 merely because it is not Auran/TRS. Great brand loyalty guys, I'm sure Auran appreciates it, but try and keep an open mind. :n: