I hope it turns out good, I like all trains, and heck I'll use two programs just like I play two ship sims and two sub sims!

But would you stop using the word retards in your posts, thanks!

I've played MSTS before, and I was not impressed then either. The only fun I had with it was causing spectacular train wrecks. I imagine Number 2 will be even more spectacular. What about AI? Will MSTS2 be more 'intelligent' and allow programming locomotives to run without intervention? I'm going to have to see a lot more than this to convince me to spend any money on it.
I think a lot of people are making assumptions based on things they can't really prove with a simple video. Many people are saying that all they're showing us is the graphics.....well, duh! That's what a video does! How can you prove that the physics are all going to be uber-real in a single video? You cannot. How can you assume whether things are easy or tricky to use in a video? You cannot.

Also, I notice a lot of people here immediately saying "that sucks, I'm not buying it when it comes out." Did you miss the part where they said it was an in-development prototype? The video is not the finished product. There's still a lot to be done. Please, for pete's sake, stop assuming that the video portrays exactly how the final sim will be, even though the sim is not due to be released for another year.

Personally, I was encouraged to see progress on the sim, and look forward to following its development.
I've played MSTS before, and I was not impressed then either. The only fun I had with it was causing spectacular train wrecks. I imagine Number 2 will be even more spectacular. What about AI? Will MSTS2 be more 'intelligent' and allow programming locomotives to run without intervention? I'm going to have to see a lot more than this to convince me to spend any money on it.

So basically, you're saying that because the original MSTS sucked, this one must suck, because there's no possible way that they might be trying to make this one a bit better.

You're making conclusions about software that isn't even in beta yet, and basing them off of defunct software that shares only the name with the new software.
"MSTS2 will require a powerful system, which will lose 30-40 percent of your customer base"
-But its Mircosoft, so it will be Vista compatible right out of the box; it might even be multi-threaded for dual-core processors... :Y:


To me it sounds like most of the negativety in this thread is caused by people who don't like the idea of MSTS2 merely because it is not Auran/TRS. Great brand loyalty guys, I'm sure Auran appreciates it, but try and keep an open mind. :n:

How many people do you know use Vista and actually LIKE it??;)

As for loyaty to Auran, I just think that Trainz outperforms MSTS in many ways. It was better planned and more throughly tested and supported by the company that produced it, but I also come down on any faults it contains. Also, don't forget that Microsoft planned to shelf MSTS2 as a bad idea. Sounds like they've been convinced otherwise and are making it as an afterthought. We'll just have to wait and see if the hype it worth it.
How many people do you know use Vista and actually LIKE it??;)

As for loyaty to Auran, I just think that Trainz outperforms MSTS in many ways. It was better planned and more throughly tested and supported by the company that produced it, but I also come down on any faults it contains. Also, don't forget that Microsoft planned to shelf MSTS2 as a bad idea. Sounds like they've been convinced otherwise and are making it as an afterthought. We'll just have to wait and see if the hype it worth it.

Just to point out, I don't believe it's the same developers anyways
ok fine i guess "retard" isnt politically correct but i cant find a better word to describe the sheer stupidity im seeing in this thread.
How many people do you know use Vista and actually LIKE it??;)

As for loyaty to Auran, I just think that Trainz outperforms MSTS in many ways. It was better planned and more throughly tested and supported by the company that produced it, but I also come down on any faults it contains. Also, don't forget that Microsoft planned to shelf MSTS2 as a bad idea. Sounds like they've been convinced otherwise and are making it as an afterthought. We'll just have to wait and see if the hype it worth it.

it has been known for a long time that this will be Vista and XP compatible.
Trs was better tested? well ill take your word for it and go listen to that well tested sound engine.........
In terms of graphics, MSTS still is ahead of TRS after all the "new" versions of trs that have been released.
and yet another uninformed remark. the original MSTSII has nothing to do with this one, that was started by Kuju and cancelled due to a legal fight between Microsoft and Kuju. That code eventually became KRS and has nothing whatsoever to do with the current MSTS2
The original MSTS2 was being developed by Kuju, but Kuju eventually had to drop their support for it and gave Microsoft the code.

Microsoft spent some time trying to hack it into something useful before eventually declaring it unsalvageable and cancelling its development.

That's probably why they're starting fresh on MSTSX.
it was ok, but idid like how the points looked.
but i'm not going to jump ship for one feature.

cheers, patchy
ok fine i guess "retard" isnt politically correct but i cant find a better word to describe the sheer stupidity im seeing in this thread.

It's all good:)

I love playing FSX, if they make use of even 85% of this engine, we will be in for a treat, and I have followed many developer diaries videos and it's better than being left in the dark till it hits the shelves!:wave:

ok fine i guess "retard" isnt politically correct but i cant find a better word to describe the sheer stupidity im seeing in this thread.

What would be really stupid is to assume that MSTS2 will be as great as it pretends to be based on a few snippets, so I will be all over this like white on rye until I see something better.:n: Also, why is MSTS being discussed in a Auran forum to begin with?
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How many people do you know use Vista and actually LIKE it??;)

I USE VISTA AND LIKE IT! My wife, my friends (many of whom are computer-science majors), and the Tech-Service staff at Montana State U all prefer vista. Just because it is new and different doesn't mean its bad. People who can't use Vista are too impatient, or something, to learn how use it. I recall that XP wasn't particulary popular when it was released.

MSTS2 is not MSTS (I agree that MSTS sucked). The engine for the program has been rebuilt, and the scope of the project has been vastly expanded.

MSTS2, according to Mircosoft, will have route-building tools and interactive industries. They also anounced that there will be AI traffic on the rails, based on prototype routings. Oh, and Microsoft is modeling the entirety of the world's railways (the entire network); Nothing that TRS could even hope to accomplish (sorry Auran, nothing personal)

Furthermore that video is not a accurate representation of the program, Mircosoft admits that. This is a "Work in Progress". Its not expected that you will get everything perfect on the first try. As for the game-physics: you can't infer stuff like that by watching a video, so get off that point.

MSTS2 is going to be released under "Games for Windows", the same area as FSX, Age of Empires, and many other top-notch games. That 'title' promises quality, for both the game and tech-support for the game.

What is irritating the living daylights out of me is that many people in here are making blind statements about MSTS2. READ THE MSTS2 WEBPAGE! That is where all my information is coming from.

Sorry for flying off my rocker like that. One of my biggest pet-pevees is when people form opinions without having done their research first. It's okay if you don't like MSTS, or MSTS2, or Rail Simulator, or Billy Bob's Big Train Game (fictional). But don't go and discourage other from purchasing and enjoying those programs just because you're brand-loyal. Nor is it appropriate to discount those games without good reason.

That is all. I apologize for any hurt feelings I caused with this post; I do try to be a positive influence in the forums.
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I'm going off-topic for a moment to say I was one of those people that had every intention of sitting back and waiting for Vista to sort it's self out, but when I had a tower meltdown:hehe:, I built a new one with vista and the latest dX10 gfx, I'm very pleased.

I have tons of payware and as some of you know have commissioned alot of steam engines for Trainz, on top of it all I have collected over 30gig of the best freeware(in my opinion) for Trainz.

It is not a option for me to give up on it, how would I play with my favorite content both free and payware!

Besides as a steam fan I will stay where the coal pile is the largest!

Lorny out!!!!!!
I think it's too early to really say. IMHO, the scenery starting 100 yards from the track loks a lot like the scenery in MSTS1, but again, it's too early to tell. THe cab (inaccurate though it may be) did look pretty awesome as did the track, so I guess I'll be keeping an eye out on this one.

My US$0.02, getting weaker all the time. :eek:

PS: Vista's okay, but I'm not all that thrilled with having to download an update every time I go to turn my comuter off.
Well guys, my realplayer cannot find the clip to be able to play it when you click on the download video button, that says it all from M$....
Pity It wasn't on YouTube then we could all watch it and give our opinions...:p :hehe:

Cheerz. ex-railwayman. :wave:
Well guys, my realplayer cannot find the clip to be able to play it when you click on the download video button, that says it all from M$....
Pity It wasn't on YouTube then we could all watch it and give our opinions...:p :hehe:

Cheerz. ex-railwayman. :wave:

Right-Click on the Download link and choose Save As.... Then load the saved video into your player.
This looks promising (considering that the game is not suppose to come out until 2009 this is a very Early stage). For you people who hate Vista, get over it! Vista has got to be my Favorite Microsoft OS (Mac Lepard being my top favorite). But setting Vista as the default operator has a good thing in it, Vista requires more powerful computers that can run the game faster then XP.

If this turns out to be exactly like FSX then most of the starting scenery would be default and people would create scenery that would replace the default stuff. There would be a few heavly detailed areas but other then that just the default stuff (I hate that &%#@ Default terminal in FSX and FS9).

I am not saying I'm leaving Trainz , I already mix things up between Kuju Railsim, The origonal MSTS, and trainz. I'm just saying theres another Sim on the market that looks promising.
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