Creating a big map


New member
Hello all,

Sorry if this has been mentioned before or is painfully obvious, but I was wondering how to create a big map.

In the picture of the Channel Tunnel terminal on this link, the map is large. When I try and create a new route, my map is so much smaller than that.

A train of similar length to the one in the picture takes up over half my map, yet it's just a small dent on that one.

Is there a way I can create a map that big?

(I'm using 2009)

Thanks in advance
You have to extend you base board. Under advanced in the topology tab in surveyor there is an option to extend your baseboard.

Is that what you're asking? Hope it helps.

I think this one has foxed just about everyone who's run Trainz (me included). Heaven alone knows why it's so hard to find...

G'day paulzmay,

...especially when it is quite clearly explained, in exactly the same terms as sparky15 has done above, in the manual...

Jerker {:)}
Using the manual

I realize that the TRS 2006 manual (also included with TS 2009 in the \extras\documentation directory) is a pain to use on line while in the Surveyor or Sessions modes, however the subject of extending sections is covered in paragraph 11.5.2, page 71.

Also see para. 11.13.5, page 143 to merge routes.

I was lucky to recieve a bound printed copy of the manual when I purchased TRS2006. However, I find it is lacking in content and my major complaint is that it is not indexed. It is worth a read through to aquaint yourself with the availible features of Trainz.

You can search thru it by opening the PDF file and using edit/search commands.

The above directory also contians html pages for the TS2009 supplemental manual.
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Right okay. I did have a look in the manual but got overwhelmed with it a bit if I'm honest (I have a digital download of 2009 so took a while to find it).

I'll be sure to check a bit more thoroughly in future.
Be cool Fred, all is well. You got jumped on a bit, but only because you won the prize for the millionth person to ask the most common question on the forum. It was always going to come down on somebody, no particular reason it had to be you :)

Which IMHO says more about the manual and/or its accessibility than those asking basic questions....

Andy :)
That stumped me for a while as well. The "manual" in the directory is a bit hard to fool with without a printed copy. Kind of hard to read it while building a route. I finally got fed up and went on a clicking spree in surveyor, a "hey y'all, watch this" weekend.

Don't sweat it. I think everyone is just having a bit of fun is all. Never be afraid to ask questions. A lot of great people here more than willing to help. Just may have to swallow the pride a bit and enjoy the fun, next time will be someone else's turn.

The manual? Oh, that thing in the box with the disks... :eek:

Seriously, most of surveyor is so obvious and intuitive, that the handful of well hidden, useful features that are well hidden can easily catch anyone out.

I seem to remember I had the problem with a UTC demo I downloaded - once I had TRS04 I seem to remember reading the manual...
