crash and missing stuff


New member
HELP !!!!!!! PLEASE........while building my world...i wanted some trees....but the box showed matter what tree i clicked...nothing.... buildings...track.... all there but no trees........then after working for a few HOURS....the game dissapeared (again) and computer went back to my desktop.......I was on 2010 version....puter is an Acer desktop...nothing fancy beefy graphics card and a dual core processor...... im getting angry now ...all that time wasted ....I love the world building.... but.....this has got to it the game or my puter ???:':)':)':)'(
It has been years since I used TS2010 so I would not know where to start attempting an answer to this question. Faulty installation comes to mind but I would suggest posting this message in the TS2010 Support Forum which you will find further down the screen in the forum opening page.
This sounds like a database issue.

Start up Content Manager and run a database repair.

These can take a very, very, long time so plan on doing this when you can let it run on your PC unattended like when you go to bed.
ugh......could it be that every time I save info....I end up with numerous boxes in content manager...should I delete the smaller ones??? or will that mess things up too ??
ugh......could it be that every time I save info....I end up with numerous boxes in content manager...should I delete the smaller ones??? or will that mess things up too ??

What do you mean by boxes?

Delete the smaller ones?

I'm confused on that.
in content manager it lists all my saved games in "boxes " ...thumbnails whatever you call them....every time i save.....all previous saves are still listed.....even the ones with small amounts of all that clutter affecting the gameplay ?
in content manager it lists all my saved games in "boxes " ...thumbnails whatever you call them....every time i save.....all previous saves are still listed.....even the ones with small amounts of all that clutter affecting the gameplay ?

No, I don't think so. These sound like the auto-saves while in Surveyor. If anything they're wasting disk space. Unless you rely on the auto-save function, my recommendation is to turn that down to a minimal number or turn it off altogether.

But if you haven't already, my recommendation is to run a database repair as that should resolve the crashing.
When you work on your route are you doing edit route or edit session? If the first all those little boxes are most likely sessions as a new session is created each time you open edit route.
when i go into content manager i right ckick on the box with the biggest amount of data and click open in surveyor.....they are not autosaves...I save every time iam done for the day.....i have deleted the smaller saves already......and a data base repair ??? i would'nt know how to begin that...I am not all that computer savvy.........( )....