I still don't understand your setup, Ian. By terminus, do you mean the consist is sitting on a stub? And, what do you mean by named consist? I tried naming my consist, but that name does not show up in the list to which the engine can couple - only car names and numbers appear in that list.
I recently put together a small layout that makes it quick and easy to test things of this nature. I placed a consist on a stub (the drill track to a yard), placed an engine headed away from it on one of the tracks of the sorting yard and gave the driver an AI command that told him to couple to the lead car (roster name and number) in the consist. He pulled ahead to the far yard ladder and almost onto the main, then backed up the ladder and along the "top" track of the yard and then on to the drill track which was an extension of that top track. He stopped a moment, then went on back and made the coupling.
I then placed a signal near the beginning of the drill track and went through the same process. With the consist on the stub, the signal was red, of course. So, this time, the engine stopped before the signal, considered for several seconds, then slowly backed up to make the coupling.
I had used no trackmarks to this point.
Then I placed a car some distance ahead of the engine on the same yard track. Now the driver did not know what to do - he moved forward a bit, then stopped - no messages, he just sat there, and an exclamation point appeared in the driver icon.
After that, using AI commands, I told the driver to go to a track mark behind him, then to a trackmark on that top yard track, then to make the coupling, which he did.
Edit here! Forgot to say that first I used an AI command to tell the driver to couple to the car ahead instead of to the consist on the drill track. He moved ahead and made the coupling at the front end of his engine. After that is where I started a new session not telling him to couple to the car ahead, but to couple to the consist on the drill track.
Again, I'm using 2006, and maybe there is a difference with 2004. If I'm still not understanding your setup, maybe you can give me more details to see if I can duplicate them on my 'test bed'.