Content Manager not showing Items


Appreciative Trainzer
Today's Download release includes a number of modified j_embankment splines with a "VR (TS2009)" tag.
On the website Download Station page there are several j_embankment VR (TS2009) splines available - but on my Content Manager page only the 8 mesh library files are listed.
The large number of actual splines do not appear.
Anyone else have the same issue?
As you are only looking at today's none of the older content will show.
Also, those 8 are by a different creator who has updated them.
The tag 2009 means nothing these days as reskinned or updated assets often don't get the tag updated to the version they are for.
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Search for J_embankment I'm sure you'll find them there. If there are any updates to the same ones you already have installed, they'll be open for editing. Highlight the assets, right-click and choose revert to original.
My mystery has still not been solved.
Yesterday user THJRTM478M posted several variations of two items -
modified versions of j_embankment for Australian use
plus ARC Welded Mesh Fence.

Each day I start my download check on the download page of the website.
Everything was listed there - pages of items.
When I went to the Content Manager to download them later in the day they were listed.
So I downloaded them.
When I opened "installed" only the meshes of both items are listed.

I have searched j_embankment | user name | and gone back and checked the download page of Content Manager.
I have done a Data Repair.
I have over 60 of his uploads installed - mostly 3.7. All good.
I can't figure out what has happened with these two, as WestSide Railways responded yesterday saying he found all 81 items.
Checking today I see a few others have downloaded both the embankments and fences - I wonder if they were successful.

Stagecoach and John thanks for your input. THJRTM478M is listed as the creator and they don't come up in the general search of j_embankment.

I've now joined the players who have tales of weird and mysterious things that have happened to them in Trainz.
Hello all people, These embankment reskins alongside new ARC Welded Fence Model I’ve created were uploaded to the Download Station before they’re available on 1st August, I have that same issue too and I have got a report that splines don’t show up on Download Station on the Launcher except the website on, the mesh library is the only assets on the DLS because they’re listed as faulty asset list so they don’t show up on the Launcher, I was scrolling posts on the forums and stumbled upon this post which is several weeks ago.

After 48 hours I’ve submitted ticket to Helpdesk about it and told me that they’re on faulty asset list because these splines requires mesh library that relay on mesh library which I always used for splines, etc. to save up download time and space for assets instead of just throwing meshes into splines per assets, as result I have already reuploaded splines to the DLS as new KUID version next day on 2nd August and I should never upload spline that relay mesh library first before mesh library which is the wrong way.

My apologies for very late response, I didn’t even check the forums until now, I’ll upload mesh library mesh first then splines that relay mesh library next time.

By the way, the reskins variants of Embankment which the name with just “VR” means it’s TRS19 coloured ballast match for TRS19 VR Track with the ballast, and also “VR (TS2009)” means it’s for TS2009 Ballast coloured for TS2009 track with ballast colour.

If anyone has issue with my content such as this, I’ll respond whenever I can, however I don’t use the forum that often, I mainly use Discord to message someone, I have upcoming route which I’m doing remake of Upfield Line which uses DEM Map instead of memory from driver’s view video or IDK but it’s a revived project back in 2020.

478M Rails
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For THRTM478M - FYI I don't see any of your assets on the CRG's faulty list so they are not stuck there if they are still missing. I didn't quite follow your post but if you are creating a mesh library, or updating one, its a good idea to check that it is available for download from the DLS before uploading any dependent assets such as your splines. The upload validation appears to check against what is available on the DLS rather than checking something that may be on the queue.

The CRG often gets such "faulty" assets and they literally have no faults whatsoever. Its a pain in the .... The only way to get them off our queue is to bump the kuid version and that, I think, is not an ideal solution for a number of reasons.

You can find me on Trainz Discord if you have any questions about the CRG and/or about the CRG faulty list. Same user name.
For THRTM478M - FYI I don't see any of your assets on the CRG's faulty list so they are not stuck there if they are still missing. I didn't quite follow your post but if you are creating a mesh library, or updating one, its a good idea to check that it is available for download from the DLS before uploading any dependent assets such as your splines. The upload validation appears to check against what is available on the DLS rather than checking something that may be on the queue.

The CRG often gets such "faulty" assets and they literally have no faults whatsoever. Its a pain in the .... The only way to get them off our queue is to bump the kuid version and that, I think, is not an ideal solution for a number of reasons.

You can find me on Trainz Discord if you have any questions about the CRG and/or about the CRG faulty list. Same user name.
Oh ok, I have learned to do better next time.