Some downloads are not working


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I was visiting the Hungarian website 9 months ago and in the narrow gauge section I found a very good material, with a lot of variety and quantity, but 8 of the download links were not working. Now in August I came back and still the same links are not working. A week ago I sent an e-mail to the address provided in the config.tex of the downloaded objects informing of the situation of the links not working. without receiving any reply. I have also tried through an e-mail in the same web in the e-mail area, with no answer.

Link to home page:
Link to the narrow gauge area of the web:

A moment ago I have checked again with a download manager that in the narrow way zone there are 227 download packages and 8 of them do not work and they are:

HF130-C LM gray.cdp

Due to the lack of these cdp's I have 24 unknown kuids:

The web and almost all the downloads are from the author: Loca or Roslas in Trainz. If anyone knows or has direct contact with the author I would ask him if he could communicate the failure of those 8 downloads, as they affect 34 magnificent locomotives and narrow gauge wagons.
Ahoj Frank,
I am in occasional touch with Laszlo, owner of the web, mostly regarding info about non functional links. He is used to repair broken links promptly and helpfully. Usually it is just question of upper&lower case confusion or missing&redundant char. Sometimes me myself try to behave according my signature here on forum, and try to puzzle the file names out by myself trying various combinations. See below correct file names for the assets You miss:

V51DLS.cdp V51-dep.cdp
Kawpro1.cdp Fa-w-pro1.cdp
AoFh-Bl.cdp AoFH-Bl.cdp
AoFh.cdp AoFH.cdp
uba-RtR.cdp ubadep.cdp
uba-DLS.cdp deps are on the DLS
HF130c-RtR.cdp hf130c-RtR.cdp
HF130-C LM gray.cdp HF130-C LM Gray.cdp
Thank you for your reply, I just wanted to report that there are links that do not work in the narrow gauge area. I will wait a few days and try again.
I have checked again that 8 links are still not working.
Laszlo is not used to come here as far as I know. For immediate downloading You need to modify links in Your browser by yourself.
Laszlo is not used to come here as far as I know. For immediate downloading You need to modify links in Your browser by yourself.
Thanks again for your reply, I have manually modified the links as you say and it has worked for 7 links, except for the one that says DLS which are in the DLS. I will check later to see if all the unknown kuids are there. (y)
After following the instructions kindly provided by JAGG, my 24 unknown kuids from have now been reduced to 13 kuids:
Maybe someone could kindly share those kuids or provide a download location other than the well-known Russian website.
It is curious that 5 of those kuids are on the Russian website but not on the author's website.
This whole thread would be useless if all the kuids were on the website.
<kuid:128184:50097> RtR L60-04601 bogey L60-dep.cdp
<kuid:128184:55030> RtR HF130C interior green' hf130c-dep.cdp

Rest is mysterious.
@Frank_Dean Hunting around, only 1 kuid is untraceable: <kuid:128184:50005>. If anyone knows whereabouts of this elusive kuid, please help.
Config.txt does not shed much light - it is only listed as a dependency.
<kuid:128184:50005> is listed just before <kuid:128184:50006> and <kuid:128184:50007> - these are bogeys. For now I just deleted <kuid:128184:50005> from config.txt. Also a lot of the missing kuids are here, in the previous upload of the same website:

Kind regards,
@Frank_Dean Hunting around, only 1 kuid is untraceable: <kuid:128184:50005>. If anyone knows whereabouts of this elusive kuid, please help.
Config.txt does not shed much light - it is only listed as a dependency.
<kuid:128184:50005> is listed just before <kuid:128184:50006> and <kuid:128184:50007> - these are bogeys. For now I just deleted <kuid:128184:50005> from config.txt. Also a lot of the missing kuids are here, in the previous upload of the same website:

Kind regards,
Thank you for your reply. There are several links in your web archive link that do not work, I have downloaded all the others that worked and I still have the same missing kuids. Another great website is not properly attended to and emails are not answered, they must be very busy with their real life, I give up on it, I waste more time with it.
@Frank_Dean pls pm me. I think I know where to get everything including a fixed locomotive with removed un-necessary kuid from the dependency list. So all OK and no missing kuids.
Site working when I downloaded these and the New Russian locos

Only Problem i had is RTR V10C Black / Rust and V51 Rust and its Interior share the same KUID 12184:15085 & 12184:55013

All should be OK now ;-)
Thanks for the heads up, I've downloaded everything from the web again and now I'm not missing anything, all unknown kuids have been found, the few downloads that weren't working have been fixed. (y)

They have an amazing collection of narrow gauge material.:oops: