Content Creator's Guide puts me to sleep.


New member
:sleep: I'm getting now to the point that I want to take up creating things with the 3D program. However, I can't seem to stay awake through the Content Creator's Guide long enough to produce anything. Is there someone or some other guide that will keep me awake?

:sleep: I'm getting now to the point that I want to take up creating things with the 3D program. However, I can't seem to stay awake through the Content Creator's Guide long enough to produce anything. Is there someone or some other guide that will keep me awake?

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy? Much funnier than the Trainz's guide too.

However, sometimes if you want to do it right, you just have to buckle down and read the hard stuff. You don't have to read all of it, just the parts that are relevent to the asset(s) you want to create.
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:sleep: I'm getting now to the point that I want to take up creating things with the 3D program. However, I can't seem to stay awake through the Content Creator's Guide long enough to produce anything. Is there someone or some other guide that will keep me awake?


You're not supposed to read the thing, only reference the relevant parts of it.

[OT} A snippet of sketch we did in high school.

FG: I read a book once.
SG: What book?
FG: The Webster's Dictionary. Took me weeks to get through it.
SG: You read the Webster's Dictionary?
FG: Yes.
SG: Idiot, you're only supposed to look up the meanings and spellings of words, not read the entire thing.
FG: Oh...I wondered why the plot was a little thin.
Thank you for your assistance. There are a few replies that are not helping. Sometimes it's okay to tease, but this really isn't the time. I have a genuine problem and I need genuine help.
Thank you for your assistance. There are a few replies that are not helping. Sometimes it's okay to tease, but this really isn't the time. I have a genuine problem and I need genuine help.

Basically there is a learning curve even to make a reskin, many people give up in frustration. Try the reskin / GMAX tutorials in the wikibook they are about as simple as you can get to create something.

if that one sends you to sleep then you have a problem. They may not create exactly what you want but should open a few doors.

Cheerio John
Thank you for your assistance. There are a few replies that are not helping. Sometimes it's okay to tease, but this really isn't the time. I have a genuine problem and I need genuine help.

Sorry about that.

Seriously, start with something simple. That's what I did. Don't immediately try to do some big complicated project. You'll only get frustrated and probably give up.

Download an undecorated loco or piece of rolling stock from DLS. Get you hands on a reskinning tutorial, and experiment a bit.

As for creating something from scratch, my first GMAX project was a simple trackside sign.

There is a host of tutorials referenced in the Forums. Look in Content Creators forum for lists of sites. Go to Aurans Content Creators site to get Gmax site. Auran also hosts a learning site with a list of tutorials.
Content creation basics include a knowledge of Gmax (freeware), Paint Shop Pro (or similar image editor), CCG, and a variety of little things that will keep your nose in books for a while. Oil up your Google button also. You'll use it often.
My advice is to get the basic programs installed, (Gmax, PSP), download a few easy tutes, and dive in.
Content Creation is a wide open subject. Too much for a single post to cover. Read through the Forums. Lots of experienced Creators on the forums stay tuned and will offer help with more specific problems.
One note; if your as ignorant of computer graghics as I was 4 years ago, (and still pretty darn ignorant) you got a lotta reading to do! Get used to it! You ain't tackled the Gmax Bible yet!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you for pointing me in the right direction. Actually I'm adept in 3D modeling and I've been doing things in 3D MAX (off and on) for many years. I'm use to reverse engineering 3D models to understand how to forward engineer a new creation, but this really stumped me. I'll look through the suggestion made here and hopefully make some headway on things. Many ideas came to mind such as a "one button sets all track splines to the grade." Also, I thought a spline for street lights would be very handy. And, since crossing lights don't turn on and off, then I figure a few triggers were needed as well. Plus, camera movements, mountain making seeds, world terrain, latitude and longitude improvement, increase ground polygons around critical scenes, automatic foliage placements - I tell you the list just goes on and on.