Congrats n3v

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Well, i don't think I speak for only myself when I say this.

I would like to commend N3V for making a drooping weed, to a blooming flower.

In the beginning, t:ane was a shell, with glitches left and right, but now, they've fixed a lot of it, and it's a fully playable, great looking sim.

so thank you, N3V. You done good.
If your game comes out, and you have to release seven or so patches to make it playable, then no, you haven't "done good". I may use T:ANE now, but that's only because i got a better graphics card. That doesn't mean i'm going to ignore how broken this game was at launch, with many saying it looked almost like an Alpha-release candidate instead of an actual working game.

Yes, T:ANE was a lot worse, but it shouldn't have been. And now we have projects like Trainz NEXT and Trainz Model Railroad 2016 on hold so 3VN can try and "perfect" T:ANE, but it didn't have to be this way if 3VN had released an actual working game at launch instead of it taking more than a year to bring the game at least up to snuff. I know not all games are "perfect" at launch, but if the game is at the point where it wouldn't pass as a beta, than you've got some more work to do.

I'm sorry, but this isn't something that i can call a "good job". T:ANE looks pretty good, and it runs really well, but with the horrible path it took to get to this point, i can't commend 3VN on their efforts with making "THE next generation in train simulation".
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TANE has got better and more reliable but it is still far from perfect.

It still needs a level of hardware far in excess than what should be necessary to run graphics of that calibre.

There are still numerous small bugs and glitches to clear up, many of which emerged following the patches and hotfixes (the gradient issue and minus value field input to name two). The fact more people are using TANE is due to simple attrition and the fact that, any last minute stay of execution notwithstanding, TS12 is within a few weeks of the end of its support life cycle.

So Chris is quite correct - yes we now have a half decent latest version of Trainz, but N3V do not emerge from the process with flying colours. The whole thing was mismanaged right from the Kickstarter with its shiny promises through to the announcement of Trainz Next before TANE was properly fixed and stabilised. Hopefully we can now move forward and lessons have been learned, but I ain't holding my breath... :)
So Chris is quite correct - yes we now have a half decent latest version of Trainz, but N3V do not emerge from the process with flying colours. The whole thing was mismanaged right from the Kickstarter with its shiny promises through to the announcement of Trainz Next before TANE was properly fixed and stabilised. Hopefully we can now move forward and lessons have been learned, but I ain't holding my breath...

I am also hopeful that it has been a learning curve for everyone involved.
Don't swell their heads ... are you saying T:ANE is completely done?

Perhaps they will stop working on improving T:ANE, and leave it abandoned by the wayside like all the other incomplete Trainz versions ... Then they can go full speed ahead on quickly unleashing the "NEXT Trainz Catastrophe"
I landed from not using any product for 5 years straight into T:ANE

It was different, and I won't tell you how long it took me to repair my first asset, but I managed. I could see where T:ANE was going, and it was different.

Two years later I can say it is good and I hardly ever have to repair an asset.

Now, before anyone seeks to jump in with criticism, be aware that I qualifed what I say is "good".

Your mileage may vary, your experience will be different as will your hardware and stutter or lack thereof.

But I am pleased that I can grab assets from just about anywhere now, and get them running - most of the time - without having to open for edit.

I will say that very soon, N3V games are going to get a call from the Disability Discrimination Commissioner about the failure to fix font readability, viz, colour and background and size after repeated requests from users, along with their persistent refusal to put font options into the games for those with poor vision and colour discrimination.
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So you'll use it now that you're able to? That sounds like agreeing with the OP to me.

What i'm saying is that even though i can use T:ANE, that doesn't mean i'm going to ignore the fact that 3VN released a half-baked and buggy game that wasn't playable at launch, and the fact that it took a LARGE amount of patches and community support to even get the game to function at least somewhat properly.

I'm not agreeing with the OP. Just because 3VN eventually got T:ANE into a working state does NOT translate to "Good job 3VN on releasing a better train simulation game!".

Please, if you're going to purposely look for flaws in my post only since it's MY post, i implore you to go elsewhere with your criticisms.
I'm an older person, who started playing with Texas Instruments, TI99 Computers,

and some others before that, circa 1980, began DOS 2.0, long before Windows was born! Now using Win10, having worked IT for 20 plus years.

What I'm trying to say is, Bill Gates and others said a lot of things about their Products, what you got, how it worked, well, I need to be a gentleman here for the sake the young-ans, but spent many a late night fixing computer systems, after new version roll out, replacing or updating systems, because the Boss didn't speak computer eeezzzzz, but by Lord he wanted his reports on time, and he wanted his system to work! Even if it was his dumb fault that he caused the problem!!!!!

It's a reality check, WYSIWYG, what you see is not what you might get, I do not have Tane, I don't plan on getting it for another Year, enter at your own Risk, and some others would say, nothing ventured, nothing gained, I agree, but you make your choices in life, which means you stand for some culpability in the process.

I'm having fun with TS12, is it error, nope, does it run smooth,,depends on what I'm doing, but for me, I'm a fixer, I hate things that don't work right, and I'll do my best to fix the problem, and or seek the help of others,,am I smart, no not really, I am just an average Joe trying to learn the best I can.

Do I complain, oh yes I can, and I do, my spouse has reminded me of that more than once over the years! LOL.....

After playing TS-12 for a year and 1/2, I'm finally having a great time with it, did it go smoothly, oh hell no, did I know what I was doing, nope, flat footed as hell on first few year. (still have lots to learn)

I as a person try to be responsible for my actions, I don't believe everything thing I hear, take 1/2 of what I see with a Grain of Salt.

I suppose in closing if your not happy here with NV3 or it's it's products, then you have choices, and you'll need to make some hard choices. My choice is to stay with them, and make the best of it, try too contribute to the forum and help others.

I apologize for being so long winded here.

Have a great weekend all.
It's a reality check, WYSIWYG, what you see is not what you might get, I do not have Tane, I don't plan on getting it for another Year, enter at your own Risk, and some others would say, nothing ventured, nothing gained

As another 'old IT timer' I totally agree. An old adage I used to live by (before I got into Trainz) was "never buy anything labelled version 1.0". So, of course, I had to have T:ANE when it was first released last year.

It has certainly been an interesting ride, particularly seeing the flame wars erupt in these forums over the many problems in T:ANE. Those wars seemed to have quietened down now to the "odd angry shot" since SP1 HF3 has been released but there is still a long list of problems yet to be resolved. The hottest flames today seem to be over N3V's advertising standards and whether or not particular screenshots are deceptive - some people must need to have something to complain about but it does make a change.
It has certainly been an interesting ride, particularly seeing the flame wars erupt in these forums over the many problems in T:ANE. Those wars seemed to have quietened down now to the "odd angry shot" since SP1 HF3 has been released but there is still a long list of problems yet to be resolved. The hottest flames today seem to be over N3V's advertising standards and whether or not particular screenshots are deceptive - some people must need to have something to complain about but it does make a change.

Typical fanboy response from you pware, No wonder this game will never get any better with you defending N3V at every turn.
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