CMP problem


Active member
I am sure this has happened before to many: When I open CMP, it shows a red line at the bottom: "Password is not valid...Connection has been severed... click here to correct", etc.... There is even a short sound tone, and I can't use it to download anything. Of course my settings have not changed and my user name and password are exact in the settings. Any help?
Here is what I got: (No idea how to fix it!)

Message: Command prompt reporting in."
Message: Test 'command prompt access' passed.
Message: Pinging []
Message: with 32 bytes of data:
Message: Reply from bytes=32 time=41ms TTL=52
Message: Reply from bytes=32 time=41ms TTL=52
Message: Reply from bytes=32 time=41ms TTL=52
Message: Reply from bytes=32 time=41ms TTL=52
Message: Ping statistics for
Message: Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Message: Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Message: Minimum = 41ms, Maximum = 41ms, Average = 41ms
Message: Test 'ping known address' passed.
Message: Pinging []
Message: with 32 bytes of data:
Message: Reply from bytes=32 time=47ms TTL=52
Message: Reply from bytes=32 time=48ms TTL=52
Message: Reply from bytes=32 time=49ms TTL=52
Message: Reply from bytes=32 time=49ms TTL=52
Message: Ping statistics for
Message: Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Message: Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Message: Minimum = 47ms, Maximum = 49ms, Average = 48ms
Message: Test 'ping auran' passed.
Error: Download failed - error 1.
Error: Test 'planet auran login' failed.
Error: Download failed - error 1.
Error: Test 'http external' failed.
Error: Download failed - error 1.
Error: Test 'http auran' failed.
Error: Download failed - error 1.
Error: Test 'https auran' failed.
Error: Download failed - error 1.
Error: Test 'dls search' failed.
Error: Download failed - error 1.
Error: Test '' failed.
Error: Download failed - error 1.
Error: Test '' failed.
Error: Download failed - error 1.
Error: Test '' failed.
Error: Download failed - error 1.
Error: Test '' failed.
Error: Download failed - error 1.
Error: Test 'page failure' failed.
Error: Download failed - error 1.
Error: Test 'host failure' failed.
Error: Download failed - error 1.
Error: Test 'ftp dls' failed.
Error: Download failed - error 1.
Error: Test 'ftp firstclass' failed.
Message: Diagnostic complete.
Standard as the one included in W-7. The only antivirus I use is "Security Essentials". By the way, the text on the red banner reads as this: "Unable to connect to DS. Your Internet settings may need changing or your connection has been severed. Click here for options"...
Further; I have turn OFF the firewall completely, and the problem is the same. (now is ON again). At other times it says that my account is not right (can't find my user name??). In settings is right, and I can access the download station with no problems (and all the forums..)
OK - next thing to check is that your proxy settings in Content Manager (Internet tab) are set correctly, and that your details are correct under Trainz Options.

The settings are: "Use Internet Explorer settings" and my user and password I have retyped. As per the Trainz Options, ( I assume is in the opening screens), are correct. On that famous or infamous Trainzoptions, there are not personal settings and I doubt it has nothing to do with this.
OK - this may be a long shot, but it may help.

Remove, restart, and re-type your username and password into the Options box on the Launcher.

John: Eons ago I had this. Like you, I waited and after several minutes it self corrected. But now.. today, it does not! Shane: Yes, I have retyped as much as I could: Nothing..! Do I have to cut my head and wait until a new one grows? I mean re-install.. And I will not do that. A hassle is a hassle, yes?
is it an idea to do a system recovery to an earlier date ?

Good thought, but unfortunately this wouldn't work since this is network related. Perhaps resetting a router might help in this case. In the end I ended up doing that myself because I had network problems a bit later while accessing another site.

I am investigating now something with my browser. There is something strange because even if I use MSN as home page, to access other sites, it goes through Google, and that is not the way I had it set up. I will report as it happens.. Thank you all for the help.