I really hope Auran never start working the way EA do. I'd also check out their own Forum and see what people who have bought it are saying about it as well.

I do know some of EA games are terrible, but in this case they might of done something right from what I have been reading about it..
I hear one of the users has written a program to allow you to delete custom routes now so it's getting better... Makes me wonder what else they forgot to do though.

I downloaded the demo from game shadow, ran it for an hour then deleted it.
I will be sticking with Auran thank you very much.
Railsim did little to impress me & I think my copy of TRS2004 PE is just as good in every thing I saw.
In fact, some of the photo textures in railsim look so false, it's awful.
Well, Microsoft is coming out with a Trains Simulator 2.0 also which looks even better then EA game. Just a little heads up on that.
Just a little heads up on that.

:o Just a little "heads up" for you; I know this is hard for you to believe, but we actually know about these other simulators already. If you had taken the time to read our other forums, instead of just posting your "ha, in your face" thread, you would have known that. You would then know that we have the same internet access that you have, that we have seen, discussed, and continue to discuss the merits and disadvantages of the very programs you seem to be promoting. Trainz has never been, and will never be the only Train Simulator available.:o

Easy Ed,
In the past this would be flaming, and you could possibly be banned, and/or some of your post credits removed, possibly putting you back as far as to the 'Kroc'. :hehe: :hehe:

However, you are right on, Auran's Forum needs more of this type of post without the Mods intervention !

My thoughts ---DLR
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Hi All
I have checked out EA's simulation and find it totally lacking compared to Aurans.
Never tried MS's so no comment
The only advantage EA has over Auran is their web site, much faster and more reliable.
Auran. Take note.
Take note auran. lol. I've never tried MS train simulator either, I'm sticking with Auran for now, they seem to have better train simulators. Now for flight sims... MS.
Well unlike Blackwatch, I aint gonna waste my time downloading a demo of 494.1 mb to see what it's like...I'm sticking with Auran......:hehe:

Cheerz. ex-railwayman.
Well unlike Blackwatch, I aint gonna waste my time downloading a demo of 494.1 mb to see what it's like...I'm sticking with Auran......:hehe:

Cheerz. ex-railwayman.

I'm sticking with Auran, but didn't feel I could comment without giving the EA one a try. I've never been one to "diss" something I have no knowledge of. :)
I haven't "dissed" the game at all Blackwatch. I was just so miffed that I have to download half a gig of demonstration assets to conclude in 20 minutes or so as to whether the game was good enough to buy the complete package, in which case I would subsequently delete the 500mb taking up my valuable computer storage anyway. I would rather watch a 10-15 minute video of the game to come to some sort of conclusion, but I can't as I don't have access to the Windows Media Player 11, which Kuju offer.
I wasted time and money buying Microsoft's pathetic excuse of a railway simulator game, and having seeing other well acquainted Trainzers honest opinions of what EA has to offer, including your own comments, I don't think I will bother wasting my time and money with this version either.

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To further add to the discussion.
A mate of mine telephoned me to have a go of this demo Railroad simulator he downloaded, it was EA's. He has a newer, faster computer than I have. I wasn't impressed.
I then let him have a go of 'Hawks Junction' on my computer.
To cut a long story short, he is now a proud owner of Trainz 2006.
I think that sums it up.