changing email adress


New member
hi im getting a new email address as I cant log into my old 1 any more witch is the email address I used to register T:ANE serial number with. is there a way to change my email address to my new 1 so I can still use the game and log in ? if I can change it how do I do it ? thanks for any help
Nigel I recommend contacting the helpdesk using the link provided at the top of the forums.

The guys up there can assist you with that and also merge your two accounts you have created to include your TS2010 install as well.
I have no idea how to join my accounts together . I don't no all my login details that's why my games are under 2 accounts I have ts2006/2012 as well but don't know how to link them all together as I had so much trouble getting to register the games I have no idea what name worked for what year . im ready to give up on trainz its just all to hard for me
I have no idea how to join my accounts together . I don't no all my login details that's why my games are under 2 accounts I have ts2006/2012 as well but don't know how to link them all together as I had so much trouble getting to register the games I have no idea what name worked for what year . im ready to give up on trainz its just all to hard for me

Neither do I!

The helpdesk will assist you with that stuff. :)

Don't give up yet. You're in for a ride once you begin...
Neither do I!

The helpdesk will assist you with that stuff. :)

Don't give up yet. You're in for a ride once you begin...
I keep giving up for this reason its all just 2 hard . help desk is no help really . I don't even know the password to the email address I used when registering the game . I might just delete T:ANE from my PC throw it away and try once more when they release the next trainz and start fresh . I have spent more ime trying to get the game running than I have playing T:ANE
I keep giving up for this reason its all just 2 hard . help desk is no help really . I don't even know the password to the email address I used when registering the game . I might just delete T:ANE from my PC throw it away and try once more when they release the next trainz and start fresh . I have spent more ime trying to get the game running than I have playing T:ANE

You're giving up on the easy stuff, really. The stuff that's out of your control, which can be fixed. The helpdesk here is really good. I've had all my tickets handled right way without issue. N3V staff handle the helpdesk including Tony Hilliam, the CEO, unlike some companies where there are no company staff members working the helpdesk and it's functions are done by some outsourced group in Southeast Asia or India.

So, login to the helpdesk and create a ticket using your working login name.
You're giving up on the easy stuff, really. The stuff that's out of your control, which can be fixed. The helpdesk here is really good. I've had all my tickets handled right way without issue. N3V staff handle the helpdesk including Tony Hilliam, the CEO, unlike some companies where there are no company staff members working the helpdesk and it's functions are done by some outsourced group in Southeast Asia or India.

So, login to the helpdesk and create a ticket using your working login name.
I have contacted the help desk and im still waiting on a response from them its only been 24 hours im not sure how long they take to reply.. if you say this is the easy stuff im screwed when I get to the hard stuff !!
I have contacted the help desk and im still waiting on a response from them its only been 24 hours im not sure how long they take to reply.. if you say this is the easy stuff im screwed when I get to the hard stuff !!

It takes between 24-48 hours for a response. They are located on the east coast a bit south of Brisbane. I don't know where you are located, but it's just midnight where I live, and I'm getting ready for bed real soon. :)

The easy stuff... I should rephrase that. Trainz is as complex as you want to make it like a model railroad. You can live with the built-in routes and stay there, or you can build a world of your dreams. How much time and effort you want to put into it is all up to you. I've been at it since December 2003, and I'm actually using the program right now as I fiddle with one of the routes I've merged together with some other ones. I decided to rework some track I didn't like and I like my results better. Anyway, have a bit of patience and things will come your way; we're here to help.
I keep giving up for this reason its all just 2 hard . help desk is no help really . I don't even know the password to the email address I used when registering the game . I might just delete T:ANE from my PC throw it away and try once more when they release the next trainz and start fresh . I have spent more ime trying to get the game running than I have playing T:ANE

You have been given a clue to the email address used to register under siennad by Tony in one of your other threads!