email address


i am not having any luck changing the original email address. just restarting trs 19 and tried to change email to get the first class ticket. had to get it on the last email and i need to pay for that (sorry). if i could switch to the newer email i will pay the 5 dollar and order the larger first class.
thank you
i am not having any luck changing the original email address. just restarting trs 19 and tried to change email to get the first class ticket. had to get it on the last email and i need to pay for that (sorry). if i could switch to the newer email i will pay the 5 dollar and order the larger first class.
thank you
submit a Helpdesk ticket to get help you need
The E-Mail shown in your MyTrainz account may show the old address. My account shows an old E-Mail but if I try and edit it for my new one it states I already have the new one.
As stagecoach has stated, the old email address under My Account cannot be changed via the "edit email" process from within My Account.
I have had this problem for as long as I can remember. I created several new email accounts and have tried using them to change the old address to new address, with no success. This means any automatically generated emails from N3V (eg when uploading new content) will never arrive, so one has no idea what issue is preventing the upload (if rejected for any reason).
Be patient! Just because you send a support ticket to support, they won't get back to you in a 'ASAP' fashion these lads have lives outside of our hobby just like us all. Just hang in there and the support team will get back to you when they can :)
i just purchased the 90 day first class ticket. trains says i don't have it. i am still trying to change my email address and have finally given up. changing with jointed rail or rr mods hasn't been a problem. since my computer dies it has really been a struggle and now with the fast downloads near impossible. i was trying to download payware reefer set in you catalog and couldn't get it.
pretty discouraging
First class ticket needs to be activated. Goto MyTrainz at the top of here and click on my first-class tickets to activate it.
no matter what i do i cannot seem to find a sign in to appease the trainz people. i am 76 years old and my blood pressure is out of control. i just want to use the dlc and the first class i paid for. for the life of me i do not see the problem. send me a password and I'll use it. enough of the password game. i would rather use the trainz game.
trying to register on your website. the username is my username. i had to change my email address do to some hacker.
keeping the username was trainz idea.
trying to register on your website. the username is my username. i had to change my email address do to some hacker.
keeping the username was trainz idea.

My personal website, American Trainz Group, (linked at the bottom of my posts) have nothing to do with Trainz support. If you are having the Trainz account issues, the ONLY location to get support is through the official helpdesk/support system linked at the top of any page here on the forums, in the sidebar in MyTrainz, or the bottom of the store pages.

I don't work for N3V, I'm just a volunteer & have no access to any account stuff. The only account thing a moderator here can do is give you infractions on the forum.
Once again the Change Login address function is not working. If my use of Change Login process does not work I could be Completely locked out of the product and the forum because I now do not have an account.