Changing car direction at junctions?


New member
Is there a way of changing which direction a car goes when at a junction?

Im using the DS Road 01 series of roads and junctions. (Roads set to UK traffic). Take a T junction for instance. When a car is traveling along the top of the T in the juction going from left to right, it always goes straight ahead, never turns. when a car is traving from right to left it always turns left never goes straigh ahead. When approaching the juction from the bottom of the T, the car always turns right, never left.

So is there a way of changing this? Or are there any roads that look good that would do what I am asking? Or can this only really be done with invisible roads?

There is a way but it needs a bit of manipulation of assets to get it looking right. An example of how road junctions can look and work can be found on my "ATLS Traffic light junction demo" found on the DLS.