Changing a textures direction?


New member
Hello? Hello? Is this thing on?

Seriously, does anybody know how to get the texture direction thing to do what I posted in the above post?

Heres a screenshot of the button Im talking about:

You can see the tooltip that show it should be the / key to operate it, but I press that and hold that key and it doesn't rotate that dial like I remember it once doing.
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It looks like [/] means '[' or ']' to me, so you're probably trying the wrong button.

There have been suggestions that a rotated texture has the same impact on frame rates and memory usage as a new texture. You'll probably find that patching 3 or 4 textures in a random pattern can give a better look than a single texture rotated. Once you have an area you're happy with the look of (perhaps 1/4 of a board), then you can copy this around to other areas. Of course, everyone has their own pet methods, and this is just mine.
