Cant Connect to Multiplayer


New member
I am having trouble connecting to multiplayer everytime I try to connect it comes up with an error saying "System is not in Correct State" any ideas what might be wrong and how to fix them. This is on Trainz A New Era.


This is if you have a different build number, have you got the latest patch installed?

76401 should be the latest build as far as i know.

Tony knows about this and has said it was going to be addressed.


'' Thanks for the kind words.

The error is most likely that the player hosting the session is using a different version of T:ANE than you are. We are aware of the problem and will be addressing it in an upcoming patch.​

Tony Hilliam ''
I have this same error but also one compounding it. according to TANE, I have modified some of the multiplayer route's and it cant revert the changes. Its started saying this after the last patch.
Yes unfortunately, now i also have the modified bug aswell, so i to cannot make or join Multiplayer, my install is a clean version without any extra content.

Hopefully some one out there has a simple solution that does not involve redownloading the 8 gig patch as i will have to just have to give it away for now, as i have a limit to how much data i can use.

Both of his images are the same. But yea, I have this issue as well. I can only assume the only people hosting have not patched as I am able to host.
I am not sure if it was the last patch, as a strange thing happened, i patched about a week ago to the latest patch and could still join MP games and also host them at that time, only the problem was " game in wrong state" would come up with the occasional game i tried to join. I was not worried about this as Tony was aware of this problem and it was going to be addressed in a future patch.

Now here is the strange thing, i had finished a MP game the night before with no trouble, so fired up the game the next day and as it loaded it seemed to hang for a short while then it seemed to load ok but when the game loaded i get the message congrates you have completed all the tutorials, which was strange as i had not completed any of them, then i find out i have to put all my details back in as as you would when first installing the game.

Shut down the game shut down the computer, rebooted and restarted the game, tutorials now show i have not done the which is correct. Logs in to N3V as normal.

After this i could not join any MP games or even host as it would keep saying assets in a modified state and cannot be reverted.

Tried doing data repair several times but no success.

Also this install is the only one i have and i have no extra content just the base game, with the exception of the Blue Dutchess and the American steamer that came with the game as a bonus. These have been installed since the start.

I have not modified any assets maps etc as this was to be clean for MP only.

When looking at the assets in the content manager or what ever they call it it shows several modified assets but i cannot delete or revert them. I think because they are built in.

So the only thing i can think of is when the game connected at some time it automatically downloaded upgraded assets, which would now make the MP maps obsolete, this is the only thing i can think of, but since i have no real knowledge of how TANE works i am hoping someone else may shed light on this.

Thanks in advance for any help that may solve this problem.

There is some sort of bug here. It seems Tranz marks assets that are updated as modified.n Look at the buit-in routes and they have modified assets that I never touched. Look at <kuid2:428217:536:2> d_textura2, <kuid2:428217:552:2> d_textura4 <kuid2:428217:535:2> d_textura for example.
The problem is you could make a MP map and session which you could upload and people could join but as soon as there is another update to even one built in asset the MP session will become obsolete.

I am really not sure how they are going to get around it, as you cannot tamper with built in assets as far as i am aware, especially if everyone has to have exactly the same content for MP to work.

Also why would they need to update the built in assets as they already work in TANE.

Maybe some one who has an understanding how all this works could explain it to me as i have no understanding about programming.

I have not been able to join any multiplayer games since TANE. I have tried to host several, but no-one can join - even when I tried it, as shown above, with the Kickstarter County route which is built in.
Same issue for months now... When will this be fixed? I miss playing multiplayer. Is anyone aware of any other multiple railroad games that allow you to build routes? I have run8 but no editor in that one. :( I try every day to get Tane to work in multiplayer. It's really my only interest in trainz. I am glad that UMR is being worked on. :(
I try to do multiplayer on TS12-61388, but am always told "Unable to contact the iTrainz server. Ther server may be down or a firewall blocking access". This is untrue. My firewall isn't blocking a thing Trainz related. I can fully believe that the server may be down, though.

I've given up on Multiplayer.

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I can assure you that the multiplayer Works and is on everytime i check there is one at least game running sometimes 4-5.Unfortunatelly the multiplayer gaming lacks of easy Access some few teams are gathered and enjoy the online gaming, i managed to play once last year for half an hour that is all my multiplayer experience so far i wish it was a less complicated procedure and with all the members here we could run fantastic routes and the gaming would elevate in higher level but this is far from reality for the present time.