A stupid question, but preferably one of these instead of getting burned by not asking:
I used Trainz Plus via Steam for a while and so installed it. I bought Trainz 22 earlier to have it fully, not a fan of subscriptions, now I got Platinum. But I still kept my Plus install on the HD for fear of losing stuff. Still I would like to delete the Plus install from my steam account and HD since it is about 10 Gig space gathering dust. Does the Steam library uninstall keep the NV3 Content (trains, tracks, DLC, etc.) intact?
A stupid question, but preferably one of these instead of getting burned by not asking:
I used Trainz Plus via Steam for a while and so installed it. I bought Trainz 22 earlier to have it fully, not a fan of subscriptions, now I got Platinum. But I still kept my Plus install on the HD for fear of losing stuff. Still I would like to delete the Plus install from my steam account and HD since it is about 10 Gig space gathering dust. Does the Steam library uninstall keep the NV3 Content (trains, tracks, DLC, etc.) intact?