Best UK snowy routes?


Learning... slowly!
Has anyone got any recommendations for good wintery uk-themed routes? I like snow and it seems pretty relevant.

I did have 'The Pevensey Bay Disaster' which was a nice route but I was absolutely baffled by the point of it - the description was a bit mental. I'm also aware of Lavenham in Winter which I don't have but looks lovely.. not quite snowy enough for me though!
Has anyone got any recommendations for good wintery uk-themed routes? I like snow and it seems pretty relevant.

I did have 'The Pevensey Bay Disaster' which was a nice route but I was absolutely baffled by the point of it - the description was a bit mental. I'm also aware of Lavenham in Winter which I don't have but looks lovely.. not quite snowy enough for me though!

This one is very good:

An English Winter-Expanded,<kuid:270280:101453>

I'm in the process of "improving" it to my own tastes - replacing some trees with seasonal speedtrees, making the track all the same snowy stuff whilst taking out the bumps & fixing the wonky bits, putting in interactive stations or naming those that are already there. It's a labour of love by author "broadwater". It's an electrified route with mostly electric-light signals although there are some semaphores too. The scenery is very well done indeed. The only bits I didn't like were the odd bits of slightly cardboard-cutout foliage by the trackside here & there, replaced with some of the smaller mcguirel seasonal speedtrees.

Anyroadup, many thanks to broadwater for a very fine snowy route that's obviously taken hundreds of hours to make & refine.

Well I think Lavenham is pretty snowy (though I'm biased!)

