Hi All,
I'm one of those who has been unable to enjoy the quality of T:ANE as my current hardware can't take it (not a moan - just qualifying why T:ANE is on my graphic at the top!)
I've become a little bored of the routes that I've got at the moment and I'm looking for some more good quality UK routes. Preferably not massive routes but ideally more than a single stretch as Lavenham is - branch lines are ideal. Industrial layouts also good! Ideally I'd prefer routes designed for TS10 or TS12, purely becasue the quality tends to be higher.
My current list includes:
Ashburton - Windrush
Much Murkle Redux
S&C pack
Cornish Mainline
Duchy Days 1970s
Armandale Valley Railway
GB UK Keighley & Worth Valley
Fort William - Mallaig
Lavenham in Winter
Leeds - SHeffield Early BR
Midshire Mainline
North Wales Coast
Tristyn & District
Any recommendations gratefully appreciated! I flit between different eras so anything will be considered.
I'm one of those who has been unable to enjoy the quality of T:ANE as my current hardware can't take it (not a moan - just qualifying why T:ANE is on my graphic at the top!)
I've become a little bored of the routes that I've got at the moment and I'm looking for some more good quality UK routes. Preferably not massive routes but ideally more than a single stretch as Lavenham is - branch lines are ideal. Industrial layouts also good! Ideally I'd prefer routes designed for TS10 or TS12, purely becasue the quality tends to be higher.
My current list includes:
Ashburton - Windrush
Much Murkle Redux
S&C pack
Cornish Mainline
Duchy Days 1970s
Armandale Valley Railway
GB UK Keighley & Worth Valley
Fort William - Mallaig
Lavenham in Winter
Leeds - SHeffield Early BR
Midshire Mainline
North Wales Coast
Tristyn & District
Any recommendations gratefully appreciated! I flit between different eras so anything will be considered.