Article: Tell us what you really think!

This is a very positive response. A visible bug reporting process and question site should go a long way to satisfying the Trainz community.

I've read through the HF2 and SP1 changes and, although I have seen some of them through the TrainzDev process, there is a whole lot I didn't know about and am looking forward to trying them out.
This is a very positive response. A visible bug reporting process and question site should go a long way to satisfying the Trainz community.

I've read through the HF2 and SP1 changes and, although I have seen some of them through the TrainzDev process, there is a whole lot I didn't know about and am looking forward to trying them out.

I agree - I keep an eye on the question site anyway at the moment to help answer questions etc. As for the bug system, it's a good way of getting a system like that in place without having to use a pre-built bug tracker system.

Time for my dumb question but how do I login to the questions site? My forum name and password are not accepted and when I entered my email address in the forgot password dialog, it said it was unknown.
Time for my dumb question but how do I login to the questions site? My forum name and password are not accepted and when I entered my email address in the forgot password dialog, it said it was unknown.

You will need to create a new account over on that site - you can use the same username and password if you want.

Good Morning Tony H ---:wave:

I think, sir, that you are making vast improvement on how N3V and the community are slowly coming together and merging as one to go forward! With TANE the jury is still out, but I've read through your newsletter this morning, and read improvements for the next hotfix / patch for TANE, so I am positive that TANE will stand mighty and tall on its' feet after all is said and done!

It's been a rough year, but no one, not the community and those who just want to throw oil on the fire for the sake of doing it can't say otherwise that these steps that N3V are taken now will greatly benefit N3V in years to come! I think one of the great steps of transparency is allowing us to view the Trainz Dev! I began flowing those threads as soon as that forum became visible, and now I see that people slowly are reading those threads as well! Having John (JCitron), Malc (clam1952), and among others to bridge the communication gap is another huge step!

All I can say that no one at this time can't say N3V is not doing enough! You've hear our voices, and you're responded appropriately! :udrool:

Perhaps TANE should have stood "mighty and tall" from the start. Too much to ask maybe. Other game developers seem to be able to manage it.
Perhaps TANE should have stood "mighty and tall" from the start. Too much to ask maybe. Other game developers seem to be able to manage it.

It depends on which way you look at it. Trainz is well known for having a diverse range of user-created content, and some of the issues are relating to older content (although some of that is documentation-related). Also, there aren't that many simulator developers who use something like Kickstarter to fund their project which brought it's own set of problems.

The way I look at is in a common sense way. I don't expect to buy any type of product and be told "Oh yeah well maybe it's a bit dodgy now, but it may okay in X number months, perhaps. Would you accept that sort of vague promise if you bought a TV or whatever?
The way I look at is in a common sense way. I don't expect to buy any type of product and be told "Oh yeah well maybe it's a bit dodgy now, but it may okay in X number months, perhaps. Would you accept that sort of vague promise if you bought a TV or whatever?

You were obviously lucky that you didn't buy Windows Vista!
The way I look at is in a common sense way. I don't expect to buy any type of product and be told "Oh yeah well maybe it's a bit dodgy now, but it may okay in X number months, perhaps. Would you accept that sort of vague promise if you bought a TV or whatever?

Hardware is a different kettle of fish entirely so is not comparable.

Even rival software still has it's bugs, as a friend of mine has found.

I have said in past postings, that T:ane is like a child, immature, temperamental, ever changing. T:ane, in my eyes is exactly like that. Frustrating at times, as its just now reached perhaps middle school, but nevertheless, brings me immense pleasure. It truly
reflects more about the user than the game itself, actually. Ranting at a child never brings
results. Enjoy the child, but be patient, and enjoy watching the child develop...much the same with T:ane. Incredible potential, promise, but temperamental, changing daily, but a joy to watch develop. Just a bit different perspective, but thats how I live with T:ane, enjoying changes daily. Its all in the game, pun intended. I hope it never stops developing, and changing for the better. A bit of
a philosophical outlook, just a few thoughts on how to enjoy what we have at this stage.
Why does Warwick - Wallangarra still look so cartoonish and lacking detail when we were promised such incredible detail with the new era? This has driven me nuts since May.
For this type of setup, it would be helpful if there could be a form of some kind for the person posting the question to fill in basic information such as computer specs and Trainz version.

If the user has posted basic information such as their computer specs, then we can post a nearly immediate answer like "Sorry your hardware does not meet the minimum requirements to run T:ANE" if this is what they are asking about.

In addition knowing which version of Trainz can mean a totally different answer to the question.
Why does Warwick - Wallangarra still look so cartoonish and lacking detail when we were promised such incredible detail with the new era? This has driven me nuts since May.

This isn't the place to post questions like this as this will be missed by those that would know the answer.

You should post this in the KickStart T:ANE forum.

I know that I am the exception rather than normal-I am 94 years of age and have been using trainz since version 2006. I am still using Trainz Classics 3 which is my favourite. I would like to thank the originators of that version for the very many hours of pleasure it has given me and kept the old 'brainbox' reasonably active.
I have had T:ane for some time and cannot get on with it. My main stumbling block is the smallness of the text making it extremely difficult to navigate
through the menus. I realize that this is a personal problem. I am sure I am not the only 'oldie' running Trainz. Is there a preference somewhere which could help me. DonMac

I have much the same problem but don't know the answer. Start a new thread, you are more likely to get answers.

I thought that at 86 I was the oldest but you have just knocked me off that pedestal. What I have tried is use a plastic magnifying sheet from a stationery store. It is fairly rigid and A4 size and you can mount it on a wooden base and move it to the screen area you are working on. It increases the image to twice normal size. Look for the name Helix, the makers have a web site ; The product reference is MN1010, name "Magnifying A4 Sheet"
Hope this helps.

Peter <narrowgauge>
If you go to Content Manager and choose Ease of Action Center, there is a magnifier there built in. You can pin it to your taskbar for easy access.
I have used it for years as I have poor vision as well.