Angle Guide for T:ANE??


Paging martinvk!! I found the asset "angle guide" (KUID2:70337:23019:9) to be probably the most useful tool in surveyor! Unfortunately, this asset is broke in TANE. Has anyone been able to get this item working, or been in contact with martinvk about him possibly updating this asset? Hope to see it back and usable again in the future!
WIP. The LOD is not working as well as I would like it. It is now also sensitive to the View distance setting, which makes sense when viewed from the origin but makes seeing it when you're very far from the origin a problem. Since there are few objects that are 5km+ long, this might be a special case that will require some creativity to solve.
It appears to be a 4m spacing quad set of parallel red/green lines, much like:

MB_finescale_quad_4m by Mike10 <KUID:35412:38123>

SAP_Quadruple_Track by MSGSapper <KUID2:439337:100424:3>
WIP. The LOD is not working as well as I would like it. It is now also sensitive to the View distance setting, which makes sense when viewed from the origin but makes seeing it when you're very far from the origin a problem. Since there are few objects that are 5km+ long, this might be a special case that will require some creativity to solve.

Glad to hear it's being worked on! Even if the long-distance functionality isn't there (at least yet), the short-range use in building yard ladders and tangents of straight track is still quite nice!