Amtrak Screenshot Contest


Moderator - Read the CoC!
Amtrak Geek Zone is holding an Amtrak Screenshot Contest; please register at our forums and sign up for it! Contest information (rules, etc) are posted at the AGZ fourm available here
I'm looking for judges and prizes. Contact me for details.

*Ferrous raises an eyebrow*

A some-holes barred Amtrak screenshot battle for none of the chips?

*dramatic pause, followed by a close up on his face*

I'm in... :cool: :hehe:
Even though I usually Only model With steam I will grace you with my enterance. Hope we have a excellent prize
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I just ask one thing.....NO one from Trainz eastern should be in it. Due to the fact there Pics are always the most realistic things I have ever seen.
Even though I usually Only model With steam I will grace you with my enterance. Hope we have a excellent prize

I'm hoping for the same thing right now.... I wonder if auran wouldn't be willing to donate something......

Ahh, what the hell... I'll put my bad feelings towards AGZ behind me and volunteer as a judge.

this is just me but how about someone that has a payware to give something free for contest like a engine or coach?

anyway it is just what i was thinking of
Ok the official web page for the contest is up. You can view it here.

Thanks for volunteering tbob, I'll add you to the short list of judges.

For those who haven't looked I have up-ed the number of screenshots you can enter to 3 (three)

I just ask one thing.....NO one from Trainz eastern should be in it. Due to the fact there Pics are always the most realistic things I have ever seen.

Sorry I wish to be un-bais and so I will keep it open to ALL trainz user.

this is just me but how about someone that has a payware to give something free for contest like a engine or coach?

anyway it is just what i was thinking of

Ya... Personally I don't have much to offer. BUT; If anyone would like to donate something they should contact me.

Hey PerRock i will be a judge if you want.


Sure.. I'll add you to the list.

I just ask one thing.....NO one from Trainz eastern should be in it. Due to the fact there Pics are always the most realistic things I have ever seen.
I'm not sure about that but thank you.
I will not be entering in this contest.

I look forward to seeing the entries,
John B
Judges (let me know if you wana be one) make sure you have signed up at the AGZ forums. So that you can have access to the judging section of the forum.

Applicants, keep sending them in :)

Hello Peter, how does one download a screenshot onto your forum or screenshot page please, as there doesn't seem to be any information on how to achieve this.

Thankz and cheerz.

the same way one does here. if you have a screen shot for the competition and need server space for it I have some. PM me there about it. Note to everyone: This is NOT an open invitation to host pictures. only one that are going to be submitted to the competition.

wow... only 4 people have entered; and its already looking tough.

**wanders off to take amtrak pics**

Hello Peter,

I've uploaded a screenie for your competition, but am having technical problems with my laptop, I tried to downsize the shot to 800x600, to keep within your guidelines, but I don't think it has worked properly. However, it has gone midnight here in England and I must now go to bed. There is no administrator showing as being available to talk to. If there is a problem, please advise me here now and I will look at it tomorrow night when I get home from work. OK ???

Cheerz. ex-railwayman.