where we live there is no Xmas so life here goes on as usual and we make the best of every given day.
Is there anybody in the community who can update or confirm things to me concerning tzarc to be replacing cdp and be able to package it in new jacket like tzarc?
I remember reading about this not to long ago?
Can we as a community ask n3v to make it a priority to update tzarc if that was the way to go and replace cdp the soonest with a murch larger 4+GB loading capacity?
This would make HD and S20 regular routes with a larger size not banned from participating in usage of any 'new' development.
Yesterday I did install a route 770 MB and cleared all boards with more than '16' textures and change all the boards to HD which was fun at times.
It did worked quiet well just locate first the 'few' most troublemaker boards and overwrite the textures with grid 2.0 and followed by all the other boards with massive mountain ranges and it looked very impressive.
The big downsize of course is the size of the route ending up close to 6x the original size 4.2GB which by itself is not the real issue I could work on it rotate and look around no problem but cdp would OF COURSE not accept any size bigger tahn 999 MB. Case closed.
To end with the 18 years of trainz I never had a year or time that I had to retire or stop and wait for fixes until 2022 November.
My work on greater Calgary came to a screatching halt and ever since no more trainz. Very very nasty bugs like spline refresh by times constant and taking few minutes before displaying things was unacceptable.
On top a feature called pick an asset like intersection and doubleclick to get the entire road included had an even more nasty bug of producing double different textures flickering on the intersection.
I had a repair rate of between 60-80% of my work which is unheard off so at my birthday early november I decided to stop Trainz.
So if this and the new HD stuff and cdp not show any kind of relieve or fix soon my early trainz retirement is not far away.