Amfleet experiment

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I agree Crman, some toasters and rhinos would be nice! Keep up the awesome work Corey, they'll look sweet on Highland (or any other route for that matter ;-P )

There's no real such thing as bad content on the DLS, however, it was made to the best of the person's ability, and yes I do know about, had it downloaded, then got rid of it. ;)
I dunno but what i would say is that it certainly isnt tooo good but it gets the job done.

ya i use paintshed but i have the right to an opinion. It is a skin of the 1044 in ps, its just more advanced ps witch il get into.
Lets try to keep this thread on topic, we're talking about Jefff944's beautiful Amfleet passenger car(s) that are being worked on, not the quality of paintshed or other reskinning systems.
Thanks all, im just saying that paintshed should be destroyed:D Make stuff in photoshop, its more fun!

The amfleets are progressing great btw, more pics soon.

You dont know how much i'd love photoshop, maybe sometime I'll get it. But on subject looking forward to pics.

Redid the corrugations and the drip rails, the corrugations are now 100% accurate:D
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