alert legal issues with simulatorcentral selling Jr content!

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hello JR i am writing to inform you that simulatorcentral are reselling several JR products for more money than they are on the offical JR site here is an example the amtrak P42 on JR is $14.99 but simulatorcentral are selling it for $19.90 they are selling it for $4.91 more than it is on the offical JR site so guys if you are thinking about purchasing a JR product buy it from thank you for listening JR
This is N3V themselves selling our content which is completely normal. They do however determine their own pricing structure when it comes to the content so that is completely within their rights to do so. You can buy from wherever you like, directly or thru N3V/SimCentral and you are still supporting JR in the long term. I should also add their pricing is typically in Australian dollars (AUD) whereas ours is US Dollars (USD). That typically accounts for most differences.
I am closing this topic for further discussion as it is unneeded.
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