How do I replace a faulty car asset or fix it?


Well-known member
There is this one asset which is faulty in Trainz going back to 12 it's a Porsche 911 SC by MGalling. It's not on the DLS but if you do a Google search it's on a Russian site, the blue Russian text is the download. It's just a static car but I would like to either fix it, replace it, or as a last resort delete it from the route without deleting three other unknown assets which are houseboats, I have the houseboats but they have different numbers than the ones the route is calling for. The Porsche has so many texture and VE errors that I think it's a lost cause. It probably worked in 2004 and 2010 but I don't have those installed anymore. 2010 had a compatibility mode which allowed older assets to work even if they had errors in normal mode. But, 12 and up have more stringent error checks. If I delete it from the route though I will have no idea how many of them were on the route to replace it with a different car.
You could use the Bulk Asset Update/Replace function to replace all instances of the faulty Porche with a working alternative car in each route.
If you mean <kuid:70791:29992> Porsche 911 SC, I have that one in T:ANE and it's error-free on my system (could have edited it to fix initial errors at some point). It's a build 2.0 (TRS2004) asset. I usually avoid collecting things from third-party sites (especially Russian), so I am confident I got it from the DLS. It has an DLS upload date of 18 Jan 2005, yet I can't find it on the DLS by searching that kuid in CM or on the DLS web site. I can't explain that, unless it's on the Content Repair Group's list.

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It's available at the DLS website, if the TRS2004 checkbox is selected. It should be downloadable in CM, by selecting the kuid (possibly shown as unknown).

RWK, if you post the errors, we may be able to help, but we need to know what the errors are.
The following red porsche is on the DLS:
<kuid:553702:11160> F78-Lotharhake-Porsche911 avec driver
and this red porsche is packaged in Canadian Rockies, Rogers Pass:
<kuid2:68787:25139:12> Porsche_911_Bj_1982

To replace an asset is a route there are two options:
- find where the asset should be in the route, place the new asset in its place, then "Delete Missing Assets". Then you have to save under your own KUID, which will mean sessions have to be repointed to your map.
- Delete the old, faulty asset, noting down the KUID number. Clone the new, good asset and replace your kuid number (assigned t the clone) with the kuid of the faulty porsche. Then drag the folder out of the editing folder and drop it on CM to import it with that KUID.
The <kuid:70791:29992> Porsche 911 SC by mgalling has a lot of errors. For some textures there is only the .texture.txt file, but no matching graphics file. Some material definitions use an unsupported texture Type (m.onetex material with a TEX_SHINE texture).

I tried fixing the asset but gave up. There were too many errors and it got too annoying. If it's used on a route, run the delete missing assets utility and remove it. There are far better, more modern Porches and other cars out there.
I think it is unfixable in later Trainz versions. Can I just replace the faulty car with a different one using the bulk replace tool? If I have the faulty car installed it should show up in the list in surveyor in red. Will replacing it cause a different car to show up? How do I find where the car is on the route and how many were placed down if it is invisible due to being faulty? The route dates back to 2004, it is the Valley Railroad by gandalf (Mike) from Trainz Commuter Rail, the route is unavailable at the moment but I had it on a Trainz 12 install and I moved a copy over to 2019. The car is faulty in 12 as well. Valley Railroad is a steam and diesel tourist railroad based in Essex, CT.
How to replace an erroneous object in a route by another object.

1. We need to know the kuid of the erroneous object.
2. We need an object that replaces the erroneous one and that is very visible so that it can be easily located in engineer.
3. The replacement object can be any object, as an example I will put one of mine that is quite visible <kuid:236618:2018200> Ruler3DforMeasuring in meters is 30m high.
4. We download it from the DLS, we open it to edit and copy the folder in an easily findable place, for example on the desktop.
5. Change the original kuid number of this Ruler3Dfor Measuring object by the erroneous kuid number, if we want we can also change the name for its easy location.
6. We import the edited and manipulated object to Trainz with the kuid number of the erroneous one.
7. When editing the route in Engineer, where was the erroneous object will appear this substitute object (Ruler3DforMeasuring) and we can replace it with the tool "Bulk asset update/replace" by the one that we want.
@rwk - The red 911 by lotharke is a decent model, build 3.7. Nice looking. I'm using it on my KleinStadt MRR layout.

<kuid2:68787:25139:11> Porsche_911_Bj_1982


I think it is unfixable in later Trainz versions. Can I just replace the faulty car with a different one using the bulk replace tool? If I have the faulty car installed it should show up in the list in surveyor in red. Will replacing it cause a different car to show up? How do I find where the car is on the route and how many were placed down if it is invisible due to being faulty? The route dates back to 2004, it is the Valley Railroad by gandalf (Mike) from Trainz Commuter Rail, the route is unavailable at the moment but I had it on a Trainz 12 install and I moved a copy over to 2019. The car is faulty in 12 as well. Valley Railroad is a steam and diesel tourist railroad based in Essex, CT.
Unfortunately, not right now. Tony said they're working on that but that ability is definitely on the lower end of the priority list.
Unfortunately, not right now. Tony said they're working on that but that ability is definitely on the lower end of the priority list.
Lothar's :12 version is shown as packaged AND payware when viewed by CM in Trainz version 114022.

You might be successful by creating your own REGION asset and plugging in the cars you want to use.
Then amend the kind map (route) file 'tag region' with your generated REGION asset.

I've not tested the following asset which is a 'kind region'.

Have a look at dougtrain's kuid2: 117686:2 "DLS Extra traffic on roads" (trainz-build 3.7). In particular, the text file cars read me version 3.txt.
The text file details a very comprehensive method of generating more cars than the standard CARZ 15 vehicles.
This has always been a contentious issue.
However, in 2017 Doug said it worked in TS12 and TANE. I'd be interested to know if it also works for TS19, TS22, and eventually Trainz Living Railroad.
Lothar's :12 version is shown as packaged AND payware when viewed by CM in Trainz version 114022.
Hi Ian,

This is good to know.

The problem I've seen since T: ANE is if the user doesn't have the old version installed, and a route looks for the original and the user installs the latest version, the asset still shows up as missing. I reported this but nothing was done by N3V. I just ran into this issue today when doing some work with an older route.

My workaround if I can do it is to install the higher version. Open it for edit, change the version to the one that the route is looking for, import that modified asset by using Explorer and dragging the asset's folder into Content Manager, and then reverting the opened asset. Once the fake older version has been installed, I then delete the obsolete asset and that brings the asset up-to-date in the route.