Aerial Railway - Metro SAFEGE


New member
Hi Guys !
Sorry for my bad English , I'm french ..
I now decide to tell you about my project , the modelling of an aerial Railway which was built in the 1960s in my country ...
An old man told me several documents about this metro .. You can also visite this website :
For now , two screenshots about my work in progress ..

For a week, i work on the switching , and I will soon ask a question about the sound of mechanism in other post ...
Now my work in progess :

I also present my youtube channel :

Don't hesitate to comment on my work !

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That model looks great, though looking at some of the picture the exposed line on wooden posts was often a little more rusty than that...but who am I to say how clean or dirty track should be? ;) I look forward to this project's completion, although honestly I don't know where or how I plan to use it. Oddities like this are just too good to pass up.
Good luck on finishing that switch.
Hello from France , On the french forum "trainz & compagnie", we follow this project from its begining, and José had soon done a great work... Wait a bit to see the cabin !!! It is a master piece, a work of art....

Hope it will come to its end !!!

Very friendly, Marc
It looks similar to the Wuppertal Suspension Railway in Germany. I think your project is fine and could be used linking small townships together.

I look forward to seeing more of your work.
